Jack Ma's classic sayings will change your life

I always say that we are not born to spend all our time on work. On the contrary, we are here to enjoy life and make others better. If your job is your only passion, one day you'll have to regret it.

The owner of Alibaba Group - Jack Ma is one of the talented billionaires in the world with very deep influence not only to Chinese people but also to the younger generation in many other countries. Let's explore and ponder Jack Ma's business philosophy to understand more about his successful thinking as well as draw lessons for yourself.

The difference between a leader and an employee:

1. A leader never compares his technical (Professional / professional) skills to all employees in the company. Remember, their technical skills are always better and if not, that means you have hired the wrong person.

2. A leader always has a clear vision of his company's development for years to come.

3. A leader must have perseverance and assertiveness to ensure that he can overcome what a normal character cannot do.

4. The leader may face inevitable misfortunes and failures.

In short, a good leader is determined by a clear vision, perseverance and strong will.

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Never get involved in politics:

A person cannot own both a political position and a huge fortune. If you start with a political job, forget about the business idea. If you are a politician, you will never succeed in making money. When a person has both political power and money, it is like they are entering a match with explosives.

4 questions for young people:

1. What is real failure? The real failure is when you stop moving forward.

2. What is resource management? You will understand its meaning when you continuously experience failure, face unwanted situations and desperate efforts.

4. What will you do? You will have to be more diligent, more diligent and more ambitious than others.

5. The best way to talk? Only fools speak with their mouths. Smart people talk by brain and wise people talk by heart.

We are here to live a full life:

I always say that we are not born to spend all our time on work. On the contrary, we are here to enjoy life and make others better. If your job is your only passion, one day you'll have to regret it.

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Competition and competitors:

1. Only fools show their attitude to confront their opponents.

2. If you treat people as enemies, they will become your enemies.

3. When competing with others, don't hate them. The hatred will destroy you.

4. Competition is like playing chess. If you lose, you always have another turn. There is no room for fighting.

5. A true businessman has no enemies. When you realize it, no one can stop you.


1. If sometimes, you groan, there is nothing wrong with it. However, if it's like a regular "guest" and you're used to complaining, it's like alcoholism. The more you drink, the harder it is to stop.

2. The world does not care what you say but what you do.

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Tips for business people:

1. Great opportunities are often invisible to most people. If in a meeting, 90% of my staff voted for an idea, I would never develop it. The reason is simple: If everyone sees the benefits, it means that other companies can use this idea and we cannot make a breakthrough.

2. Try to make your employees enjoy working for you.

3. In 2011, I made a mistake. I told my staff who witnessed the downfall of the company that they never had a higher position than their manager. I think I need outside experts for senior management positions and vice president. Many years have passed and now, none of the experts have hired to work for my company while the people I once suspected became senior management and vice president.

4. Customers are always the number one priority, employees are the number two priority and shareholders are the number three priority.

5. Begin to adapt to new situations before others.

6. Forget money and start making money.

7. I have a core principle: Your working attitude and the decisions you make make more sense than you can. You can't make people think in the same way but you can make them pursue the same goal. Don't try to teach employees a way to think, that's impossible. One-third of your employees don't trust you. Do not ask them to follow a personality. Instead, gather them in the same goal. It would be easier to unify people with the same idea than to a leader, no matter how talented they are.

8. Instead of just completing small things, focus on long-term and stable growth plans.

9. Your attitude determines your future success.


1. Sometimes, you find it difficult to explain a good business opportunity. Remember that easy-to-explain opportunities are not entirely good.

2. Ideal partners are skilled people you lack, regardless of whether they succeed or not.

3. Look for the right people, not the best people.

4. The most fragile thing in the world is the relationship between people and people.

5. Free things are never cheap.

6. Difficult today, worse tomorrow but the day after, everything will be great.

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What you should never do:

1. The worst of an entrepreneur: Pride, unable to fully appreciate the situation, lack of visionary skills.

2. If you don't know something about your competitors, if you underestimate them or think they are not real opponents, you definitely fail.

3. In case the competitor's business size is smaller or weaker than you, you should not underestimate. Conversely, if it is a much bigger company than your business, you should not be afraid.

For start-up companies:

1. When you start a business, you will have to accept a steady income, health policies and annual bonuses. On the other hand, it also means that from now on, your income will be unlimited, you will use time more effectively and without anyone's permission.

2. If your decisions are different from what your friends do, your life will be different.

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