However, researchers at Check Point also said that there is a little known fact that the developer mode can be turned on by editing some Registry Keys, which can be done silently in the background when The attacker has the right.
Bashware attack technique automates the necessary process by silently downloading WSL elements, enabling developer mode, and even downloading and extracting Linux system files from Windows servers and running malware .
The interesting thing about Bashware is that hackers don't need to write their own malicious software for Linux to run through WSL on a Windows machine. That's because Bashware installs software called Wine inside the downloaded Ubuntu environment, then runs the Windows malicious code over it. This malicious code will then launch in Windows as a Pico process, so security software cannot be detected.
New attack techniques do not use any WSL vulnerabilities because security products do not pay attention to WSL. Because Shell Linux is available on Windows, there may be up to 400 million PCs running Windows affected. Check Point said that its software has been upgraded to combat this type of attack and recommends that other software be updated quickly.