Canola oil can harm the brain

Taking two tablespoons of canola oil daily can reduce memory, learning ability and weight gain in people with Alzheimer's disease, said a new study.

Taking two tablespoons of canola oil daily can reduce memory, learning ability and weight gain in people with Alzheimer's disease, said a new study.

Research on mice has suggested that long-term consumption of vegetable oils is often advertised as a healthy cooking oil but it can harm the brain.

Mice that eat a diet rich in canola oil are much heavier than regular diet mice. Canola oil is a vegetable oil derived from rapeseed.

Canola oil can harm the brain Picture 1Canola oil can harm the brain Picture 1

The consumption of canola oil over a period of six months also leads to impairment in memory and work. In addition, labyrinth tests show shorter memory and learning ability is also seriously affected.

" Canola oil is vegetable oil, we need to be careful before saying it is a healthy oil, " said Domenico Pratico, Professor at Temple University, Pennsylvania.

Pratico said: " Based on evidence from this study, canola oil should not be considered as a proven health benefit ," Pratico said in an article in Scientific Reports.

Furthermore, brain tissue from mice consuming canola oil revealed that these animals significantly reduced beta 1-40 amyloid levels.

Beta 1 - Amyloid is a more soluble form of beta amyloid proteins and is often considered to serve a useful role in the brain. It acts as a buffer for insoluble form for amyloid beta 1-42.

Pratico explains "Amyloid beta 1-40 acts as a neutralizer for amyloid 1-42, which means that if the reduction of amyloid beta 1-40 is the same as in our study, detection of synonyms of 1-42 will not controlled ".

" In our model, the change in this ratio leads to significant neurological damage, reduced neuronal communication and memory impairment ."

In contrast, Alzheimer's mice fed a diet rich in virgin olive oil reduced the amount of amyloid and phosphorylated fats and improved memory better.

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