Test whether you used email correctly?
Here are 10 multiple choice tips for using simple to complex email. Let's see how many correct answers you can answer.
Question 1 . Which of the following email addresses is correct?
A. lienhe @@ quantrimang.com
B. lienhe@quantrimang.com
C. lienhe @ quantrimang @ com
Question 2 . What does the To item when sending an email mean?
A. Enter the title of the email
B. Enter your email address so that the recipient knows who the sender is
C. Enter the email address of one or more recipients
Question 3 . Enter email address in Cc - What is Carbon Copy for?
A. Copy the email into a copy of the carbon paper to store it
B. Send a copy of the email to the recipient, allowing all other recipients to see the recipient's email address
C. Send a copy of the email to the recipient, not allowing other recipients to see the recipient's email address
Question 4 . What about entering the email address in the Bcc - Blind Carbon Copy section?
A. Send a copy of the email to the recipient, allowing all other recipients to see this email address
B. Copy the email to a secret copy for archiving
C. Send a copy of the email to the recipient, not allowing other recipients to see this email address
Question 5 . What happens when forwarding - Forward an email you receive?
A. A "Copy" copy of the email will be sent to the recipient
B. You can only forward the "Forward" email if the original sender allows it
C. Email will be sent to the recipient and deleted from the "Inbox" inbox.
Question 6 . When you forward an email, who will receive this copy?
A. Original sender
B. Both the receiver and the original sender
C. Recipient
Question 7 . When forwarding email with attached files, what happens?
A. Email and attachments will be sent separately into 2 different emails
B. A copy of the email and all attachments will be sent to the recipient
C. Email will be sent to the recipient, but the attachment is not sent
Question 8 . When responding to emails, headlines - What is the subject of the email with more prefixes?
A. The title does not change
B. RE - Abbreviation for Reply - Reply
C. AN - Abbreviation for Answer - Answer
Question 9 . What are the prefixes for email forwarding?
A. The title does not change
B. CC - Abbreviation for the word Carbon Copy
C. FW or FWD - Short for Forward
Question 10 . If "Reply" the original sender has forwarded the email to others, will the original sender see the forwarding email?
A. This does not happen because there are two different operations
B. This may happen with some email services, you should carefully review the content when answering
C. You cannot reply to the original sender after forwarding that email
1. B
2 C
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. B
10. B
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