Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know

League of Legends has become a household name for both gamers and those who have never played the game.

After a long period of only the original 5v5 lane mode, Teamfight Tactics has been introduced as an automated tactical chess genre combined with League of Legends flair.

While it's one of the easy strategy games to play, it's also hard to master, as player's team and location are just as important as a regular MOBA. If you are just starting to experience Teamfight Tactics, continue reading this article to understand and apply the following professional and useful tips.

Tips for playing Teamfight Tactics

Know the abilities of champions

When starting to play Teamfight Tactics, gamers will enter the Crousel, allowing to choose their champions and loadout in alternate order. Aside from some information about each Champion displayed, such as type and appearance, very little else is provided on this screen.

Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 1Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 1 List of champion ranks in Teamfight Tactics

It is important for players to have a basic understanding of most of the available Champion abilities and strengths when making the most informed choices. If you choose without a plan in mind, this will be much worse than being the last to choose. Conversely, those who know how to adapt their strategy to the strength of the available Champions will gain the upper hand.

Losing brings a higher position in the Carousel

There are some "benefits" to losing in Teamfight Tactics, which level the playing field for those who fall behind. One of the ways the game does this is by giving players lower in the round a chance to be selected first.

Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 2Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 2 Carousel in Teamfigth Tactics

The last ranked player in the lobby will choose first, while the highest ranked player chooses last.

Having a high position in the Carousel is a big boon as it gives gamers the first chance to find specific heroes. Don't intentionally lose to get picked first, as there's no guarantee, but keep this rule in mind if the match doesn't go as expected.

Play the tutorial

The best thing new players can do for themselves when starting out in Teamfight Tactics is to play the tutorial. The game is available on mobile devices and the tutorial is available on both PC and mobile platforms.

Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 3Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 3 New players should choose Tutorial mode to get familiar with the game

Players can read up on strategies online and prepare thoroughly before starting the game, but the best way to find out is to participate in the tutorial directly. Even if you already understand the auto chess genre, play the tutorial before moving on to fight a real opponent.

Location plays an important role

Teamfight Tactics uses a number of concepts to reinforce the strategic components of the gameplay, such as an emphasis on having the frontline and the backline. At the same time it emphasizes that the champions survive long enough to contribute in a meaningful way.

Keep the strong hitters and defensive champions in the front, the weaker ranged characters in the back, to maximize the power of the whole team. If champions quickly die without doing anything for the team, players should move things around.

Pay attention to your opponent

Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 4Teamfight Tactics: Professional tips gamers need to know Picture 4 Reaching all 5 marks the victory signifying a formidable opponent

One of the best ways to gather information in Teamfight Tactics is to track opponents as often as possible. Players can look at other players' boards and benches by clicking their icon in the tournament pane on the right side of the screen.

In addition, environmental details can also hint at the opponent's skill level. There are 5 markers on each side of the playing field, the left side containing the characters. Each position represents a win, so those with all 5 ticks filled can be a formidable opponent.

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