Top strategies for victory in Plants vs. Zombies

Top strategies for victory in Plants vs. Zombies, Let's find out tips for gamers to win in Plants vs. Zombies, get rid of the zombies

Plants vs. Zombies is a classic strategy game that surely anyone has heard of and played it. Although it is too familiar to many people, however, the higher the level, the greater the challenge, even the most proficient gamers will have difficulty.

Everything seems easy in the early stages of the game, but when in the backyard and fighting on the roof, everyone needs to have a good plan. Here are tips and tactics that will help players win at any level of Plant vs. Zombies, whether it's daytime in the front yard or a tough duel on the roof.

However, there are plenty of other alternative approaches out there, so don't take these strategies as absolutes. In fact, apply these tips and your own experience flexibly to win.

Tips to win in Plants vs Zombies

  1. Put sunflowers first
  2. Planting with a plan
  3. Always equip a variety of emergency plants
  4. Place as many shroom mushrooms as possible
  5. Use both melee and shield plants together
  6. Wait before attacking
  7. Avoid using more than one type of bean sprout

Put sunflowers first

Since sunshine is necessary to buy plants, it is the most valuable and important resource when playing Plants vs Zombies. Difficulties can appear if the player does not use the strategy of maximizing sun production, especially at night.

As soon as everyone starts any level, the first action to take is to plant a sunflower on the farthest left pole. Use that row specifically for sunflowers.

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The player can usually plant two sunflowers before the zombies start entering the house. So don't worry but stay calm and wait for the first sunflowers to produce the sun and start building a bunch of offensive weapons to deal with the attack.

Fill the rows with weapon plants and avoid buying expensive plants until there are at least 5 sunflowers.

Sun-shrooms are also effective and cheap, although sunflowers are preferred because they provide a steady supply of sunlight. In addition, gamers can upgrade them to double-headed sunflowers to double the amount of sun produced.

In the later stages, this helps accumulate enough sunshine to buy the best weapon plants.

Planting with a plan

Haphazard planting, indiscriminate and haphazard planting will not get people far. To prevent zombies from entering their house, the player needs to plant symmetrical plants on the screen.

People will never know in which row the zombies appear, so it is very important to build a uniform defense system to prevent attacks.

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Start the front defense in the 4th or 5th column from the left. While it is possible to plant beyond that point, this is the optimal starting distance at which peashooters can take down a basic zombie without getting eaten. Planting them closer to the start runs the risk of turning these plants into a meal for the zombies.

Try not to guess where you think the zombies will appear because if planted and then a zombie walks in another row, the player may not have that plant available to stop the attack. Instead, wait until the zombie appears, then plant it down the appropriate row.

Always equip a variety of emergency plants

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Along with the standard fixed defense system, Plants vs Zombie possesses a range of single-use plants that can be the perfect lifesaver in a heated battle. Cherry bombs for example are great to stock up on as they are relatively cheap and kill all zombies within a reasonable radius. Jalapenos peppers are even stronger, taking down all zombies in a row.

Squash squash is also a great choice, it strangles any zombies that try to bite. As for the underwater zombies, everyone should be aware of the kelp clumps. These extremely useful plants entangle the zombies and drown them in the water to drown.

While they don't use them very often (and probably don't need them if people are really skilled), it's still a good idea to stock them up for all levels to deal with emergencies. When all the trees were wiped out by the zombies and were no longer able to defend, this was the last resort everyone needed.

Place as many shroom mushrooms as possible

The free plants in PvZ are pretty good for defense, so make use of the puff-shrooms and sea-shrooms. During nighttime levels, always stock these plants as players can easily fill the screen with them without requiring a single ray of sunshine from the sunflowers. However, be wary of a few potential pitfalls.

First, the puff-shroom has an extremely short attack range. For them to be effective against stronger zombies, gamers need to double or even triple them. Luckily, they regenerate quickly, and everyone can place at least two in any given batch.

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Next, even if you're satisfied with the defense you've set up, there's no harm in placing more puff-shrooms on the right side of the screen. Even if they have no effect other than being crushed, the shrooms are helping people by delaying the zombie's advance.

Finally, sea-shrooms take a long time to recharge on the build menu. Make sure to plant one as soon as it becomes available, to begin the regeneration phase. Players will not want to be in a situation where zombies eat a sea-shroom and they cannot make replacements because they are waiting to recharge.

Use both melee and shield plants together

Everyone should put melee plants like Bonk Choy behind barriers like Wall-nut. Melee plants deal high damage at short range, but since they can't attack from a distance, they usually don't have much time to attack as the zombies advance. Placing a shield in front of them greatly increases the time the zombies are vulnerable to more attacks by melee plants.

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Absolutely do not place these plants at the end of the row. Also, don't use Snapdragon if freezing plants are used as the Snapdragon's close range fire will remove the freeze effect. Use Bonk Choy or another melee fighter instead.

Wait before attacking

Stay calm when attacking the first few zombies. The game doesn't say when the zombies start, but the longer they spawn, the more time everyone gets to prepare their defenses and build suns. Gamers can delay zombies with protective plants like Wallnut while mass producing resources and only attack when a steady amount of sun has been collected.

People should not immediately attack the zombies first. That brief few seconds will solidify the sun preparation for the entire level. The player can increase the number of defense plants to stop the original zombies.

Avoid using more than one type of bean sprout

Although most of the pea plants out of the 49 types have some basic differences, players shouldn't waste precious plant placements on a variety of pea plants.

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The basic pea-shooter will do its job well in the early levels. When progressing to night level, switch Pea Shooter to Repeater, place more shroom to save expensive Repeater.

Apply the same strategy when having Threepeater. Get rid of the two older pea shoot patterns and use cheap alternatives to the original defense. This allows for maximum savings on the amount of change needed to grow Threepeater.

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