Some effective tactics in the Arena of Truth 10.2
No new items or champions appear in this DTCL 10.2 version. This update only focuses entirely on adjustments to characteristics, champions, and items. Do any of these changes have any impact on the strategy of the Arena of Truth 10.2, and have a lot of influence on how to build your roster, build dtcl items?
And which option would best suit this Arena of Legends meta meta. If you are having trouble starting to join this version 10.2, please consult some of the comments below.
Some effective tactics in the Arena of Truth 10.2
6 The forest will be very feasible
Some effective tactics in the Arena of Truth 10.2 Picture 1
The advantage of the jungle champions is always feasible in the early game. However, in the middle of the game, maybe the Forest generals will have to leave to make room for new personnel in the squad.
In Season 2, Lux plays a very important role in adding synergies to many different squads, except Lux Forest. With the Forest element being buffed synergically to duplicate the entire champion when there are 6 forests, Lux Forest will shine again.
Some effective tactics in the Arena of Truth 10.2 Picture 2
The doubling of the entire jungle minister is very appealing to the player. If you are at level 7 and have 6 jungles, you will have 13 champions in total on the field (if you find Lux Forest). Have you tried to imagine what it would be like to have 2 Lux 2 stars?
Natural champions will give your squad a solid top, especially with 6 Natural when all are doubled. This may not be the strongest squad, but it will be the easiest team to build for you to earn tickets to the TOP 4.
Fury is buffed
Some effective tactics in the Arena of Truth 10.2 Picture 3
With Olaf getting a nerf speed in this version 10.2, many gamers will think of the collapse of Rage Battle team. However, the remaining updates of Update 10.2 will really benefit them.
First look at equipment changes, Blood Sword and Guinsoo's Rageblade as Olaf's most needed items since the beginning of Season 2. In this version 10.2, Blood Sword has a significant buff when increasing the percentage of healing from 40% to 50%. Along with that, Guinsoo's Rage is also slightly buffed when the attack speed from 4% to 5%.
Secondly, another Rage General also received an important buff, Sion. He gets his starting mana buff from 50 to 75. And this will allow Sion to hammer earlier and thus allow Sion to buy Olaf time until Olaf can use his skills.
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Finally, the Rage Battle team can be combined with some other generals to gain additional synergy buffs. With the Cataclysm lineup that was quite effective in the previous meta game, currently, Sivir has been nerfed by the number of star attacks, so her power is reduced so she is no longer an option. primarily for this squad.
In addition, the Swordsman in this version has been nerfed, causing the percentage of basic attacks to be reduced from 40% to 35% and cannot store that attack. So for now, if you want to pick Sandstorm you choose Kha'Zix, then add Nocturne or Qiyana and prioritize building Ghost Sword Youmuu to get 3 Assassins buff.
Will Kindred be the best main carry?
Some effective tactics in the Arena of Truth 10.2 Picture 5
The combination of Infinity Sword and Gauntlet has witnessed a huge increase in the amount of damage that this equipment duo causes. This combination will be a real threat if equipped for a fire squad.
Kindred seems like the right name to have this equipment combo in version 10.2 because she is also a fire general.Kindred's skill is very good when she has gloves, and Kindred has just been fixed. The bug in this version makes it hard for anyone to stop her.
As if the player needed another reason for Kindred to be the main carry. Both Darkness and Fire receive buffs. Six Fire now adds 10% damage and 6 Shadow creates 15% more damage and has an additional 1 second of damage time effect.
Whether Kindred appears in the Dark Summon squad or in Team 6 Fire, she deserves to be the main carry in the team. Hopefully she will appear more in the current meta game.
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