Welcome to the world !!!!!!
Create a js file named main.js. In this file, you first declare fs Module (this is the Module for File I / O operations) using the require () method. Then using the createReadStream () method takes the parameter that is the name of the text file you created earlier to read the data from.
var fs = require ( "fs" ); var data = '' ; // Create a Readable Stream var readerStream = fs . createReadStream ( 'input.txt' ); // Thiet lap encoding la utf8. readerStream . setEncoding ( 'UTF8' ); // Trends related to Stream -> data, end, and readerStream error . on ( 'data' , function ( chunk ) { data + = chunk ; }); readerStream . on ( 'end' , function () { console . log ( data ); }); readerStream . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { console . log ( err . stack ); }); console . log ( "Ket process" );
Now run main.js to see the result:
$ node main . js
Check output:
Let's get married
QTM is a Web page that contains all the scripts
Welcome to the world !!!!!!
You also created main.js as above. The difference is that instead of using createReadStream (), you use the createWriteStream () method to get the file to contain the results you need to record:
var fs = require ( "fs" ); var data = 'VietNamVoDoi' ; // Create Writable motive Stream var writerStream = fs . createWriteStream ( 'output.txt' ); // Write the stream to the stream according to the flower matrix utf8 writerStream . write ( data , 'UTF8' ); // List the file (end of file) writerStream . end (); // The glass cup is related to Stream -> finish, and error writerStream . on ( 'finish' , function () { console . log ( "Active version." ); }); writerStream . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) { console . log ( err . stack ); }); console . log ( "Ket process" );
Now run main.js to see the result:
$ node main . js
Check the result:
Let's get married
Please write.
Now, open the generated output.txt in the current directory and check the resulting content:
Piping is a technique. With this technique, we provide the output of a Stream to make input for another Stream. There are no restrictions on this Piping activity, ie the process may continue.
To understand more about this concept, you follow the example below. In this example, I read the data from a file, then write that data to another file.
First, create js file named main.js. In this file, you use the two methods discussed above to create the corresponding createReadStream () and createWriteStream () for reading and writing data. Next, use the pipe () method to implement the Piping Stream technique as follows:
var fs = require ( "fs" ); // Create a Readable Stream var readerStream = fs . createReadStream ( 'input.txt' ); // Create Writable motive Stream var writerStream = fs . createWriteStream ( 'output.txt' ); // Piping the operation Readable and Writable // Doc duoc tu input.txt and record the output.txt readerStream . pipe ( writerStream ); console . log ( "Ket process" );
Run main.js to see the result:
$ node main . js
Check the result:
Let's get married
Open the generated output.txt in your current directory and check the content:
QTM is a Web page that contains all the scripts
Welcome to the world !!!!!!
Chaining is a technique for connecting the output of a Stream to another Stream and creating a series of multiple Stream operations. Often it is used with Piping operations.
The following example illustrates how to combine two Piping and Chaining operations. First we compress a file, then extract the file.
Create main.js. In this file, I need to declare the zlip Module that provides the createGzip () method for compression.
var fs = require ( "fs" ); var zlib = require ( 'zlib' ); // Nen input input.txt.gz fs . createReadStream ( 'input.txt' ) . pipe ( zlib . createGzip ()) . pipe ( fs . createWriteStream ( ' input.txt.gz ' )); console . log ( "File is curvature." );
Run main.js to see the result:
$ node main . js
Check the result:
The file should be curved.
After checking, you will see that input.txt has been compressed and it has created an input.txt.gz in the current directory. Now, try to extract the same file using the createGunzip () method of zlib Module as follows:
var fs = require ( "fs" ); var zlib = require ( 'zlib' ); // Phase input.txt.gz bar input.txt fs . createReadStream ( 'input.txt.gz' ) . pipe ( zlib . createGunzip ()) . pipe ( fs . createWriteStream ( ' input.txt ' )); console . log ( "File extension" );
Run main.js to see the result:
$ node main . js
Check the result:
In the File Bar.
According to Tutorialspoint
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Next article: Read the File record in Node.js