After creating the final command, you will see a prompt for the parameters just set in the vars.bat file. Click Enter to accept those parameters. You can leave the Organizational Unit Name blank. However, you need to enter the Common Name section. A lot of things can work. We have used "OpenVPN-CA".
You can now create a certificate and private key for the server by entering the following command:
build-key-server server
When prompted about the parameters again. Accept the default values for the things you set up in the vars.bat file. For Common Name, enter "server". Be sure to enter a secure password that you will remember or save in a secure location. When prompted to sign and commit to the certificate, enter "y".
You can now create certificates for the client or the computer will connect to the OpenVPN server on the DD-WRT router. You must create each certificate for each client. Just enter "build-key", followed by spaces and names. For example, with the following three clients:
build-key client1
build-key client2
build-key client3
Next, you will be prompted for the parameters. Choose a unique name. You can use certificate names, such as client1, client2 or client3.
Note : If you find that you have to create additional client certificates, return to the easy-rsa folder in the Command Prompt, and type "vars", then do the 'build-key' command, for example as build-key client2 .
Next, create Diffie Hellman parameters by typing:
Finally, you will see all certificates in the following directory: C: Program FilesOpenVPNeasy-rsakeys
It should be noted that the CA, the server and all client keys need to be protected and private.