Set of multiple choice questions on programming with P16 prize
Multiple choice questions about programming will be the first piece of knowledge to help you get started with programming. Invite your reference.
- Question 1. Which of the following statements is true when talking about transmission mode:
- In binary mode, the bytes used are different from the value on the peripheral and there is a conversion execution.
- In binary mode, the characters are organized into lines, ending with carriage return and conversion.
- In text mode, the characters are organized into lines, each line ends with a newline character, with the conversion of some characters required by the environment.
- In binary mode, bytes are handled as the value on the peripheral and there is no conversion performed.
- 1 and 2
- 1 and 3
- 2 and 3
- 2 and 4
- Question 2. Which of the following statements is true when talking about fgets ():
- The function reads 1 character from the file, if the function is successful for the code to read. If you encounter the end of the file or have an error, the function for the EOF character
- The function reads a sequence of characters from the file to save to the new device
- When using a function if it encounters a carriage return, the character code 10 will be added at the end of the read string
- When using a function, if you encounter a carriage return, the character codes 10 and 13 will be added at the end of the read string.
- Question 3. Make the best statement about the command form (f is the file pointer): while ((ch = fgetc (f))! = EOF) .
- Select an element and check if EOF is not
- Reading the file's elements as long as the character is not a carriage return
- Write an element and check if it is EOF
- Reading the file's elements as long as the character is not the end character
- Question 4. Which statement is correct when talking about the fflush statement (FILE * f):
- The function cleans the buffer of file f, if successful, the value of the file is open, otherwise, returns EOF
- The function cleans the buffer value of file f, if the function succeeds the value of EOF, on the contrary, the return function 0
- The function cleans the buffer of file f, if successful returns 0, otherwise, returns EOF
- Erase the keyboard cache
- Question 5. Which signal is correct when using the fread () function;
- int fread (void * ptr, int size, FILE * f, int n);
- int fread (FILE * f, void * ptr, int size, int n);
- int fread (int size, void * ptr, int n, FILE * f);
- int fread (void * ptr, int size, int n, FILE * f);
- Question 6. Which sign is correct when using fputs ();
- int puts (const char * s, FILE * f);
- int puts (const char * s);
- int puts (FILE * f, const char * s);
- int puts (FILE * f);
- Question 7. Which is the correct sign when using fopen () function to open an existing file read in binary:
- f = fopen ('du_lieu', 'r');
- f = fopen ('du_lieu', 'w');
- f = fopen ('du_lieu', 'at');
- f = fopen ('du_lieu', 'rb');
- Sentence 8. Which function returns the size of an open file:
- double filelength (int the_file);
- long filelength (int the_file);
- int filelength (int the_file);
- There is no right answer
- Question 9. What does the following statement mean:
FILE * fopen (tep1, 'ab');
- Open the binary file to write
- Open an existing binary file and write more serial data to this file
- Open the binary file for new recording
- Open the binary file to read
- Question 10. Which function can change the size of the open file:
- double chsize (int handle, long size);
- long chsize (int handle, long size);
- int chsize (int handle, long size);
- All the answers above.
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