1. Question 1. Choose a wrong statement:
      1. String is an array of characters.
      1. The period is the number of characters and is the same code.
    1. We are the characters and the code is the same   NULL

    2. String is array of values ​​2 (1 byte)
  2. Question 2. Which of the following formats can be used to export unsigned integers:
    1. '% d'
    2. % unsigned '.
    3. '% i'.
    4. '% u'.
  3. Question 3. Which of the following formats is used to display a real number:
    1. '% f'
    2. '% u'
    3. '% i'
    4. '% float'
  4. Question 4. What are the math operators:
    1. +, /,%
    2. +, -, *, /,%, ++, -,>, <
    3. &&, ||
    4. +, -, *, /,%, =,! =
  5. Sentence 5. A variable must begin with:
    1. A character is usually like letters or underscores
    2. An underscore
    3. A numeric character
    4. An operator like: +, - .
  6. Question 6. Select the result of the following code:
     for (int i = 1; i <10; i ++) 

    for (int j = 1; j <10; j ++)

    ì (j% i == 0) printf ('Hellon');
    1. 6 string 'Hello'
    2. 12 strings 'Hello'
    3. 23 'Hello' strings

    4. There is no output to the screen
  7. Question 7. What is the value of variable n?
     int n = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i <10; i + = 4) n + = i;
    1. 8
    2. twelfth
    3. 16
    4. 20
  8. Question 8. The size of the array is:
    1. Maximum number of elements of the array

    2. Memory size will be allocated to the array
    3. Both sentences are true
    4. Both sentences are wrong
  9. Question 9. What is the best statement about fluctuations:
    1. Only develop during program implementation
    2. When running the program, the variable area, device size and device address may change
    3. After use, it can be freed to save memory space
    4. All answers above
  10. Question 10. Which of the following statements is incorrect when it comes to files:
    1. The file is the completed data stored in the external memory by a user or a program
    2. The operating system recognizes a file thanks to its full name including the path and file name
    3. 'C: tmTEN.txt' - Form of file description in C
    4. 'C: /tm/TEN.txt' - The file description format in C