Multiple choice questions about programming with P1 prize
Programming is the use of programming languages and tools and utilities to write code, build practical programs and applications on your computer to serve your life. The following is an invitation to test your knowledge with our following series of articles.
- Question 1. Please choose the best matching plan. What is programming language?
- Means for drafting documents including programs;
- Pascal or C language
- Means of expressing algorithms for computers to do the job
- The medium expresses the algorithm
- Question 2. Which of the following statements is definitely wrong?
- Programming is writing programs
- Programming and programming are two equivalent concepts, both ways of describing algorithms in programming languages
- The program is made up of a combination of statements and necessary declarations on variables, constants, functions, .;
- The program is not sure if the result is correct with lots of input data sets
- Question 3. Which of the following statements is definitely wrong?
- Any problem can be solved by computer
- The program is an algorithm description in a programming language
- It is not possible to write a program to solve a problem if you do not know the algorithm to solve the problem
- A problem may have multiple algorithms to solve
- Question 4. Which of the following statements is definitely wrong?
To solve a computer problem, write a program describing the algorithm to solve the problem
- Every computer user must know how to program
- Electronic computers can run programs
- A problem may have multiple algorithms to solve
- Question 5. Please choose the right coupling scheme. Machine language is
- Any programming language that can express the algorithm to give the computer a performance
- The language for writing programs that each program is a sequence of machine commands in binary
- The languages that the program writes on after translating the binary system can run
- Express the algorithm so that it can be delivered to the computer
- Question 6. Please choose the right coupling scheme. Assembly language is the language
- The computer can be performed directly without translation
- There are commands written in characters but basically each command is equivalent to a machine command. In order to run, you need to translate into machine language
- Which commands do not write directly with binary code
- Do not write in binary code, designed for some types of machines that can run directly as characters
- Question 7. Please choose the wrong pairing option. High-level programming language is the language
- Show algorithms according to certain conventions that do not depend on specific computers
- If the computer does not understand directly, the program written in high-level languages before running must translate into machine language
- Can interpret all algorithms
- Using vocabulary and syntax of natural language (English)
- Question 8. Which of the following statements is certainly wrong
- The translation program allows to transfer the program written in a programming language to the program in the machine language that can be implemented while preserving the semantics of the source program.
- The translation program helps programmers to program in a more natural language programming language, thus mitigating programming effort, enhancing programming performance
- The translation program helps find all program errors
- A programming language can have both interpreter programs and compilation programs
- Question 9. Which of the following statements is wrong when talking about translation and interpretation?
- The high-level programming language's translation program is called translation, and translation is the translation program used with assembly language
- A programming language can have both interpreter programs and compilation programs
- Interpreting and translating each statement and translating the program before translating the entire program into binary code is possible.
- Translating and interpreting both check the correctness of the statement
- Question 10. Which of the following statements is true?
- Every high-level programming language has exactly one translation program
- Translation program including translation, translation, translation
- The computer only recognizes characters 0 and 1, so the program in machine language must also be translated into binary code
- A high-level programming language can have many different translation programs
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