Set of multiple choice questions about programming with P6
The following network administrators will continue to send you interesting questions about programming. If you love this topic, then try your knowledge.
- Question 1. What is the screen printing result of the following program:
void main ()
int i;
for (i = 2;; ++) printf ('% 3d', i);
};- Infinite loop
- ' 2'
- ' twelfth'
- Other results
- Sentence 2. Which of the following commands allows to be moved to a labeled place.
- break.
- goto.
- tiếp tục.
- exit.
- Question 3. Which of the following commands allows to stop the control statement:
- break.
- goto.
- tiếp tục.
- All 3 answers above
- Question 4. In C language, declare 'int array [3] [5]' which means:
- The elements of the array are integers
- A two-dimensional array of up to 15 elements and each element is an integer
- array [3] [5] is an element of the array
- All is wrong
- Question 5. Find errors in the following program:
void main ()
int sum;
sum = 453 + 343
printf ('Ket la:' sum);
};- Missing semicolon (;)
- Missing comma (,)
- Missing specification character
- All 3 factors above
- Question 6. What are the results of the following program:
void main ()
int i, j;
for (i = 1; i <4; i ++) j = i; printf ('% 3d', j);
};- "1 2 3 4".
- '4'.
- '3'.
- Other results
- Question 7. Priority for logical operators is:
- Question 8. What are the results of the following program:
void main ()
int a = 40, b = 4;
while (a! = b)
if (a> b) a = ab; else b = three; printf ('% d', a);
};- 2
- 4
- 16
- Other results
- Question 9. Suppose in the C language using the declaration of 'double a [12]', element a [7] is the second element in array a:
- Friday
- Saturday
- 8th
- 9th
- Question 10. What are the results of the following program:
void hoanvi (int * px, int * py)
int z; z = * px;
* px = * py;
* py = z;
void main ()
int a = 15, b = 21; Festival (a, b); printf ('% d% d', a, b);
};- '15 21 '
- '21 15 '
- Error message when executing the program
- Other results
- Question 11. What is the following program result:
void hoanvi (int px, int py)
int pz;
pz = px; px = py; py = pz;
void main ()
int a = 15, b = 21; Festival (a, b);
printf ('% d% d', a, b);
};- '21 15 '
- '15 21 '
- Error message when executing the program
- Other results
- Question 12. Which of the following statements is not a benefit of using a function:
- Avoid redundancy, repeat a command repeatedly
- Easy to maintain
- Ability to reuse the command
- All the above are wrong
- Question 13. Declare variables: int m, n; float x, y; Which command is wrong:
- n = 5
- x = 10
- y = 12.5
- m = 2.5
- Question 14. Print results to the screen of the following program:
void main ()
char * s;
s = 'waving boards'; strcpy (& s [5], & s [9]); printf ('% s', s);
};- 'hello'.
- 'hello'.
- 'ban ban'.
- 'Welcome board'.
- Question 15. Print results to the screen of the following program:
void main ()
int a = 100, b = 6; double f;
f = (double) a / (double) b; printf ('% 2.2f', f);
'16 .00 '.
'16 .67 '.
- Other results
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