Set of multiple choice questions for programming with P8 prizes

Following the series of quizzes around programming topics, below invite readers to test their knowledge with multiple choice questions that we have summarized below.
  1. Question 1. Which one math operation is used to determine the address of the object that the pointer points to:
    1. *
    2. !
    3. &
    4. Other results
  2. Question 2. Suppose when running the program, we type from the key: '29h b'. Print results n and c respectively will be:
     #include void main () 


    char c; int n;

    scanf ('% d% c', & n, & c);

    printf ('% 3d% c', n, c);

    1. '29b'

    2. '29h b'
    3. "29h '
    4. Other results
  3. Question 3. When declaring an array, we initialize the array as follows: int x [3] = {4,2,6}; Mean:
    1. x [1] = 4, x [2] = 2, x [3] = 6

    2. x [0] = 4, x [1] = 2, x [2] = 6

    3. Not declared correctly

    4. After all   other

  4. Question 4. When the pointer variable does not contain any address, its value will be:
    1. O
    2. NULL
    3. Both results are correct
    4. Both results are wrong
  5. Sentence 5. Symbols specific to the impact on data are called:
    1. Jaw
    2. Expression
    3. Turn
    4. Operator
  6. Question 6. What are the results of the following program:

    void main ()


    int x, * p;

    x = 3; x = 6; p = & x;

    * p = 9; printf ('% d', x); printf ('% d', * p); printf ('% d', x);

    1. '369'
    2. '696'
    3. '999'
    4. Other results
  7. Question 7. Which of the following statements is true:
    1. Branching is the selection of one or more paths for the subsequent calculation
    2. Flowcharts can have many starting and ending points
    3. Character type contains a character enclosed in quotation marks
    4. In nested if statements, else belongs to the if closest to it
  8. Question 8. What are the results of the following program:

    int change (int * a)


    * a = 10; return * a;


    void main ()


    int i = 5; change (& i); printf ('% d', i);

    1. 5
    2. ten
    3. 0
    4. Error message when executing the program
  9. Question 9. What are the results of the following program:

    void main ()


    int x, * p; x = 6; p = & x;

    printf ('% d', x);

    printf ('% d', * p);

    1. 69
    2. 66
    3. Other results
    4. Error while executing the program
  10. Question 10. What are the results of the following program:

    void main ()


    printf ('% d', 3

    1. True
    2. 0
    3. first
    4. Other results
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