Samsung launched a 9-minute rechargeable battery that travels nearly 1,000 km and has a lifespan of 20 years

Samsung recently introduced a completely new battery that allows charging the battery from 8% to 80% in just 9 minutes, has a range of 965 km on a single charge and has a lifespan of 20 years.

International exhibition of Battery Technology, Batteries and Energy Storage (Battery Expo 2024) takes place in Seoul, Korea.

Samsung launched a 9-minute rechargeable battery that travels nearly 1,000 km and has a lifespan of 20 years Picture 1Samsung launched a 9-minute rechargeable battery that travels nearly 1,000 km and has a lifespan of 20 years Picture 1

Samsung's new electric vehicle battery quickly attracted attention in the electric vehicle battery industry, especially solid-state batteries.

The company revealed that its pilot solid-state battery production line is now fully operational. The first batches of solid-state batteries have now been delivered to electric vehicle manufacturers for testing between late last year and early this year and are receiving positive feedback.

Samsung emphasized that solid-state batteries are expected to be smaller and lighter, helping to reduce weight, take up less space and be safer than lithium-ion batteries currently used in most electric vehicles.

However, initially these batteries will be limited to the 'ultra-premium' electric vehicle segment, with a range of approximately 1,000 km due to high production costs.

Samsung's solid-state oxide battery technology boasts an energy density of 500 Wh/kg, while conventional electric vehicle batteries have only 270 Wh/kg. This increased density has the potential to double the driving range of current electric vehicles.

Currently, Samsung is developing more affordable lithium iron phosphate (LFP) and cobalt-free batteries.

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