Review Beyond Blue - The underwater world is your home

Following games like Endless Ocean and Subnautica, Beyond Blue is for those who love to explore underwater through transforming into a diver.

E-Line Media

E-Line Media

Release date: 11/6/2020

PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, PC, Linux, Mac OS, TvOS.

In Beyond blue , players will accompany Mirai with a group of friends including marine biologists to explore interesting things on the ocean floor.

E-Line Media producer and Blue Planet II team at BBC have contributed to creating a more unique look at the ecological wonders of the ocean floor through the game. With the gameplay that gives gamers a realistic experience, diving to many different areas and easily moving everywhere, starting from the vibrant coral reefs to the dark depths like ink. of dead waters. All of that is conveyed through just the faint light of the flashlight mounted on Mirai's wetsuit – this is also the only light source that gives players a more realistic sense of adventure than ever before. .

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Beyond Blue is a game that combines adventure and education, so the game always pays attention to providing useful information about what you encounter during your journey to any place on the deep ocean floor. Each area has its own biome living based on natural scientific knowledge that is close to reality. When approaching any sea creature, the player is encouraged to press L1 to be able to focus on a certain creature and conduct an information scan. Scanning marine life provides information about each species including: scientific name, number of individuals you have encountered in the game up to the time of scanning, relative health of each species.

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Not only stopping there, Mirai's story is more interesting later on. With a system of items that can be upgraded throughout the game, you will now be able to use UV lights to gather more information from the creatures around. You can even drop drones around large creatures like whales to identify sensor tags and record their movements, language, songs. This scan also transfers the information back to Mirai's Science Log for her future research purposes.

The more creatures of the same species are scanned, the more information will be available, and the Science Diary will provide more educational insights, including 3D models for you to scrutinize. than. With a diverse array of aquatic life on offer, Beyond Blue encourages you to spend your time swimming around each biome, getting to know all the different types of marine life that live there.

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Stepping into Beyond Blue , immersing yourself in the ocean, gives players a sense of adventure, discovery, but also peace and comfort. This is shown through the fact that in any setting, Beyond Blue always succeeds in keeping a quiet pace. The game conveys the calm atmosphere of the ocean perfectly. The story line of the game is also meticulously cared for, players will hear Mirai tell about the things they have encountered during their journey to investigate the noise pollution that is increasingly affecting the whales. and other sea creatures.

The character Mirai through which also has its own story and that plot will be integrated in parallel throughout the process you step into the world of Beyond Blue . Players will gradually learn the reason why Mirai is dedicated to protecting the whales through her research. At the end of each dive, Mirai can access her own submarine customization, where she can review messages and conversations with the team and most importantly, her current sister Ren. still a college student. Compared to the constructive main plot, the plot about Mirai's family, although not focused on development, has a very important meaning, bringing a lively element to the game.

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After playing the game for 4-6 hours, players will be able to access and unlock the free-diving mode, which connects all eight biomes without having to depend on the story and guild segments. dialogue takes place during the dive. This mode seems to be perfect for those who want to completely clear the Trophy list of Beyond Blue or for those who love to drift peacefully at sea and just want to continue that relaxing experience.

For creating such a rich underwater world with a focus on realism and science, players will feel even better when they unlock some 3D models of the sea creatures they encounter. (especially whales). In particular, now through experiencing the game, you can completely distinguish sick whales from whale sharks with the naked eye by observing their behavior and appearance.

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Speaking of the game's realism, documentary-style clips recorded by the BBC's Blue Planet II team have been added to provide more educational information for curious players. These clips are unlocked throughout the game, along with short videos containing a large amount of information about the real-world setting that helped inspire the construction of biomes in Beyond Blue .


Beyond Blue excels in presenting a beautiful marine environment full of life lurking in the depths of the fascinating ocean along with interesting locations for gamers to explore. Whether you are swimming with humpback whales or here exploring underwater caves, there is no denying what the game has tried to give players: a truly 'Live' experience.

4.5 ★ | 2 Vote