PowerPoint informatics test P6

To create an impression for a presentation with listeners, in addition to good content, beautiful PowerPoint slides will help you a lot. In this article, Network Administrator will send a set of multiple choice questions about PowerPoint.
  1. Question 1. Want a blue border for a Text Box in an electronic lesson plan, after choosing Format -> Text Box, select the Color and Lines tab and
    1. Select the blue color in the Color box right below the Fill text
    2. Select the blue color in the Color box just below the Line
    3. Select the blue color in the Color box just below the Line or Fill, as well
    4. Selecting the green in the Color box just below the line or Fill is wrong
  2. Question 2. To do the insertion of a chart on a slide we must:
    1. Select Table -> Insert Table
    2. Select Insert -> Table
    3. Select Table -> Insert
    4. Select Format -> Table
  3. Question 3. After selecting some objects on the current slide, which of the following key combinations will lose those objects?
    1. Alt + X
    2. Shift + X
    3. Ctrl + X
    4. Ctrl + Shift + X
  4. Question 4. To select Slide Show -> Custom Animation is to
    1. Create an animation effect for an object in a slide
    2. Create page transitions for slides in a presentation
    3. Put images or sound into the presentation
    4. Format the layout of blocks of text, images, graphs . for a slide
  5. Sentence 5. PowerPoint allows users to design a master slide containing the general formats of all slides in a presentation. To do this, the user must
    1. Select Insert -> Slide Master
    2. Select Insert -> Master Slide
    3. Select View -> Master -> Slide Master
    4. Select View -> Slide Master -> Master
  6. Question 6. To add the Action Buttons to the current slide, the designer can
    1. Select Slide Show -> Action Buttons
    2. Select AutoShapes -> Action Buttons
    3. Both answers above
  7. Question 7. After inserting a table into the slide, want to divide a cell into 2 cells
    1. Right-click the box and select Split Cells
    2. Select that cell and select Table -> Split Cells
    3. Select that box and left-click the Split Cells button on the Tables and Borders toolbar
    4. The ways described in this sentence are true
  8. Question 8. Select the wrong sentence in the following sentences: While designing an electronic lesson plan using PowerPoint
    1. Cannot create dynamic effects for objects in the master slide (slide master)
    2. When choosing Format -> Replace Fonts, you will change the font for all slides
    3. When choosing Format -> Background, we can format the background color for the slides
    4. We can align both sides for a block of text
  9. Question 9. Want to create a blue border for a Text Box in an electronic lesson plan, after choosing Format -> Text Box, select the Color and Lines tab and
    1. Select the blue color in the Color box right below the Fill text
    2. Select the blue color in the Color box just below the Line
    3. Select the blue color in the Color box just below the Line or Fill, as well
    4. Selecting the green in the Color box just below the line or Fill is wrong
  10. Question 10. Performing the operation of selecting Slide Show -> Custom Animation is to
    1. Create an animation effect for an object in a slide
    2. Create page transitions for slides in a presentation
    3. Put images or sound into the presentation
    4. Format the layout of blocks of text, images, graphs . for a slide
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