PowerPoint informatics test P7
PowerPoint is an important application in the Microsoft Office software suite produced by the big Microsoft that creates presentation files. In the quiz below, Network Administrator will send you very interesting questions revolving around this topic for you to learn.
- Question 1. If you are drafting on Powerpoint, you can see through some of the operations that are not satisfactory (many wrong) need to return to earlier (recovery: undo) we use the following key combination is good Best ?
- CTRL + Z
- CTRL + B
- CTRL + A
- CTRL + R
- Question 2. Insert a piece of music into the Slide and select the type of run for the track 'Play across slides' means:
- Run all the new music clips that slide
- Automatically when playing, the music will perform
- The music will run through the slides
- No expression
- Question 3. To save the file with a different name, choose which of the following commands?
- File -> Select Open -> Type the file name in the File Name section
- File -> Select Save as -> Type the file name in the File Name section
- File -> Select New as-> Type the file name in the File Name section
- File -> Select Save -> Type the file name in the File Name section
- Question 4. Opening a Microsoft PowerPoint program, completing the lesson plan, storing the following in the My Doccuments of the device, select the following command:
- Select File -> Select Save -> Select Up one level -> My Documents -> At File name: Type the name of the message -> Select Save
- Select File -> Select new -> Select Up one level -> My Documents -> At File name: Type in the number of the name -> Select Save
- Select File -> Select Save as -> Select Up one level -> My Documents -> At File name: Type the number of your name -> Select Save
- Select File -> Select Open -> Choose Up one level -> My Documents -> At File name: Type the number of the name -> Select Save
- Question 5. To open a previously written PowerPoint presentation, we do:
Select File -> Select Save -> Select the file name to search
- Select File -> Select Save as -> Select the file name to search
Select File -> Select Open -> Select the file name to search
Select File -> Select New -> Select the file to search
- Question 6. To print Slide 1, 3, 6, 9, select File -> Select print:
- Select Current Range -> Type 1, 3, 6, 9
Select Slide-> Type 1, 3, 6, 9
Select All -> Type 1, 3, 6, 9
Select Seletion -> Type 1, 3, 6, 9
- Question 7. Go to Transition -> tick after -> type at 00:05 seconds, click Apply to all slides will execute the presentation command:
- Just click once on the slide shown 00:05 seconds starting from the current slide shown
- Each Slide is shown 00:05 seconds starting from the current Slide shown
- The slides do not automatically show
- The slides must comply with the sequence that is longer than 00:05 seconds
- Question 8. Command from CTRL + N key combination in Microsoft Powerpoint program to
- Create new Presentation
- Not possible
Open Presentation already
Close 1 Presentation
- Question 9. Which manipulation is used in this case?Want the word "Powerpoint" in a formatted document to " Powerpoint " us:
- Press CTRL + B key combination
- Place the text cursor between 'Powerpoint' and press CTRL + I + U
- Only highlight the word Power press CTRL + U
- Press CTRL + U + B key combination
- Question 10. At which slide do we use the following key combination to delete the slide?
- ALT + Delete
- Ctrl + Delete
- Shift + Delete
- ALT + shift + Delete
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