7 safe and effective ways to whiten natural teeth at home

To remove stained smudges and regain white light for teeth, you can use some of the following simple home whitening methods.

Bright white teeth help us confidently smile brightly when communicating and scoring points with people around us. But due to bad eating habits, improper brushing of teeth, smoking . makes teeth yellow. That makes us lose confidence when communicating.

To remove dull stains and regain white light for teeth, you can use some of the following simple ways to whiten natural teeth at home. And if you need professional help, head over to Singing Hills Dentistry.

How to whiten teeth with bread

This is a simple way to whiten teeth with cheap, easy-to-find ingredients that bring high efficiency.

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Bake the bread until the shell is black and scrape off the fire. Mix a small portion of this burnt black bread into toothpaste and use that mixture to brush your teeth as usual.

When the bread crust is burnt, there will be only carbon left behind like activated carbon, so it has an effective bleaching effect.

In this way, we only apply 2 times a week to avoid damage to enamel but still achieve high efficiency. The remaining fire shells you can store in a cool place to use gradually.

Whitening teeth with banana peel

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Do not throw away the banana peel after eating, the banana peel contains active ingredients to remove the stains on the teeth. In addition, the vitamin D in bananas also makes teeth much stronger.

You just need to peel banana peels into long pieces that are equal to the height of the teeth. Then rub the inside of the banana peel gently on the tooth surface for about 2 to 10 minutes (do not rub on the benefits causing bleeding). Finally clean your teeth.

Remove stains on teeth with lemon

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Lemon and white salt both have very strong antiseptic properties so when combined they can effectively bleach teeth. Add some lemon juice to a little white salt and rub the tooth with the brush. Leave on for 2 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.

Perform 2 times a day, you can remove plaque as well as tartar within 2 weeks.

Also with this method, you can replace salt with baking soda that can also whiten your teeth quite effectively.

Whitening teeth with baking soda

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Baking soda helps to remove stains on the surface of teeth, while reducing the acidity in the mouth.

Using a small amount of baking soda (about half a bean) mix well with the toothpaste. Use this mixture to brush your teeth normally.

For bright white teeth, you should apply once a week at night.

Remove yellow stains on teeth with strawberries

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In strawberries contains many malic acids that have the effect of removing and preventing the formation of plaque on the tooth surface.

Mix well a crushed ripe strawberry + 1 teaspoon of water or salt water. Use a toothbrush to apply the mixture on the surface of the tooth and leave it on for about 5 minutes and then brush your teeth thoroughly with toothpaste. You should only apply this procedure 2-3 times a week to avoid hurting your teeth.

Simply, after drinking alcohol, coffee or smoking, you can eat a few strawberries to prevent stains from forming on your teeth.

Whitening teeth with apple cider vinegar

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In addition to being used to beautify hair, apple cider vinegar also makes teeth white and stronger. In order to regain bright white teeth with apple cider vinegar, you can follow 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Place a few drops of apple cider vinegar on the toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual and rinse your mouth with clean water.
  2. Take 1, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before brushing your teeth.

Perform regularly 3 times a week, you will achieve the desired results. But because apple cider vinegar is so acidic, you should not overdo it, causing your teeth to become numb.

Whitening teeth with sugar-free yogurt

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In yogurt that contains high levels of calcium phosphorus, it will make your teeth stronger and whiter.

Rinse your mouth clean, use a large cotton ball filled with yogurt and rub on the surface of your teeth for about 5 minutes. Use mouthwash again.

Just a few minutes a day, after about a month your teeth will have unexpected changes.

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