11 surprising uses of refrigerators not everyone knows

In addition to preserving fresh food for a long time, refrigerators also have many other unexpected uses that not everyone knows like killing nerds, helping to park quickly ...

In addition to preserving fresh food for a long time, refrigerators also have many other unexpected uses that not everyone knows like killing nerds, helping to park quickly .

Moist grain recovery

Some types of seeds such as melon seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. when exposed to air for a while, will be moist and soft. Then, you can put them in the refrigerator, after a few hours they will again dry and crispy back.

Keep the egg yolk format

Eggs after being boiled with a knife in half immediately, the yolks are easily distorted, deformed because they stick to the knife. To cut the yolk is always smooth, even for a nice boiled egg, you just put the eggs in the refrigerator about 1 hour before cutting is okay.

11 surprising uses of refrigerators not everyone knows Picture 111 surprising uses of refrigerators not everyone knows Picture 1

Helping the beans quickly

Put the beans, water in the pot and cook on the stove. After boiling for a while, turn off the heat, wait for it to cool, then refrigerate for about 2 hours. Then, take out the beans and continue boiling for about 10 minutes, the beans will be accurate.

Helps peel off chestnuts easily

Chestnuts after boiling are often friable and stick to the skin, so it is difficult to peel. To overcome this problem, you should put boiled chestnuts, let cool in the refrigerator for a few hours. When removed, the chestnut will be easy to peel.

More roasted rice with grain

Before roasting, keep the rice in the fridge for a few hours to allow it to re-cook. You will have delicious fried rice as outside the restaurant.

Reduce the bitter taste of bitter melon

To reduce the bitter taste of bitter melon, leave it in the fridge for a few hours. After that, you can enjoy this delicious cooling fruit without feeling too bitter.

11 surprising uses of refrigerators not everyone knows Picture 211 surprising uses of refrigerators not everyone knows Picture 2

Treating tears when cutting onions and garlic

The stinging eyes when peeling or cutting onions, garlic often happens to women in the market. To handle this problem, you can put the onions and garlic in the fridge for a while and then take out the slices. You will see no more stinging eyes.

"Keep fresh fish" in the fridge

To keep the fish alive for a certain period of time before processing, you can pour water into the fruit tray in the fridge and drop the fish into it. When you want to eat, you just killed the fish and processed it to make it more delicious.

Is flat clothes

Clothes such as thighs, silk . after washing are often wrinkled. To fix this, you can put them in plastic bags while still slightly moist, then refrigerate for several hours. When taken out, the clothes will be flatter.

Kill the nerd

To handle the bookworms, you can put the book in thin plastic bags and put in the refrigerator. After about 12 hours, weevils will all die.

Restores soap hardness

Soap left in the humid air will easily soften, pasty. To return the soap to its original format, you can place it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

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