Plot StarCraft - Part 2: Protoss renaissance, Terran appeared

In the history of Starcraft, the beginning of civilization in Koprulu ended is also the time when new races appeared and new conflicts broke out.

In the history of Starcraft, the beginning of civilization in Koprulu ended is also the time when new races appeared and new conflicts broke out.

The renaissance of the Protoss

With Amon being sealed and pushed to the Void, and the Xel'Naga who survived the War of the Spirit returned to sleep, Xel'Naga's interference in the material world temporarily stopped. The civil war of the Protoss race also ended and their civilization returned to a rapid development process after Khas rediscovered the spiritual linking ability of the Protoss species.

Protoss society is now ruled by the Conclave Council of Elders, and they secretly research a Xel'Naga Worldship spacecraft to exploit its technologies. Smaller tribes still exist, but they have grown in harmony and this has led to the population of Protoss increasing to billions, while scientific and technological achievements that were forgotten due to civil war were discovered. .

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Aiur in the golden age of the Protoss.

Then the Protoss learned how to travel in space based on rapid progress through the discovery of the Worldship and the unity of the nation. They began exploring the other planets in the Koprulu Sector, establishing colonies and creating the Great Fleet space fleet to protect Aiur and their territories. The Mothership leads giant fleets in space to search for new planets, and achieve great success.

Within a few centuries, the Protoss found about one-eight of the planets once supported by Xel'Naga, but they did not manipulate or adjust the evolution of the races that lived on it. Following the rules of the Dae'Uhl, the Protoss took responsibility for protecting those races while keeping their existence a secret, though accidents such as the Kalathi war occurred. During this period, the Templars emerged as protectors of the new Protoss civilization - they fought against those who did not want to see harmony and progress, and then against strange and dangerous creatures. on the planets that the Protoss adventurers set foot on.

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Cybros, headquarters of the Purifier.

Also during this period, the Protoss created Purifiers, an intelligent race of robots to serve the Conclave's goals. However, the Purifiers were displeased that they were not considered a Templar and thus killed all Templars at Lantinum base. This makes the Protoss species decide to turn off all the Purifier and see them as a symbol of technology's achievements and dangers. Cybros, the command ship of the Purifier and their base, were hibernated in the orbit of a moon named Endion.

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Mothership of Protoss.

Among the Mothership that led the fleet to explore the nooks and crannies of the Koprulu Sector, two had trouble and fell to nearby stars. These were catastrophes that the Protoss did not want to recur, so they decided to create the 'Mass Recall' ability for the Mothership and build three Arkship ships - the ultimate weapons that will be used when the breed's survival threatened species. In the end, however, the Protoss decided not to allow the Arkships to be used as weapons of war, but to bury them in the ground of Aiur and the Grand Preserver as a means of preserving race in an emergency.

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Gears Tactics: A tactical but action-packed genre
Despite the familiar Gears brand, Gears Tactics is not a third-person shooter but a calculated turn-based strategy game.

People bring the new comic to Koprulu

In 2231 in a remote space outside the Koprulu Sector, Doran Routhe, a human scientist, conducted an experiment to examine the feasibility of building new colonies for humanity. He secretly sent 40,000 prisoners onto four giant spacecraft in hibernation, and launched them to the planet Gantris 4 under the control of AI 'Atlas.' The spacecraft also contained food, supplies and supplies to help the prisoners start a new colony upon awakening.

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Four ships carrying 40,000 prisoners to the colony of Gantris 4.

During the flight, Atlas discovered that some prisoners carry genes that can enhance a person's spiritual potential and send this information back to Doran Routhe. However, this journey failed when the computer responsible for orientation lost its connection to Atlas. All four spacecraft soared past Gantris 4 and wandered in Warp Space for years without stopping. This failure made Doran Routhe's reputation plummet, and he died alone somewhere on the planet Tau Ceti.

28 years after being launched, the four spacecraft carrying Doran Routhe's new prisoners landed in the three colonies of the Koprulu Sector, the planets Tarsonis, Umoja and Moria under the supervision of the Protoss, but the Protoss complied. strictly follow Dae'Uhl's law and do not interfere with human actions. Over the next 70 years, 40,000 prisoners became colonists on many planets and formed the Terran Union in 2323.

Yet man has never been a race that can unite one heart. Military and economic conflicts between the forces within the Terran Union led to the creation of a new military force, Kel-Morian Combine, and these two forces frequently encountered each other to compete for resources. By 2478, a Terran Union MP from the planet Korhal named Angus Mengsk suddenly rebelled against the Union with the support of the planet Umoja, one of the most prosperous colonies.

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Korhal was destroyed by a series of nuclear explosions.

Wars and contradictions broke out between the human forces in the Koprulu Sector for many years thereafter, and even though the Union won a decisive victory in 2489, Angus Mengsk declared the secession of Korhal is then assassinated by the Ghost soldiers of the Terran Union. Two years later, Korhal was destroyed by a series of nuclear explosions and Arcturus Mengsk, son of Angus Mengsk, formed Sons of Korhal from the survivors of the Rebellion of Korhal forces.

Between 2488 and 2496, two names emerged in the vanguard of the Terran civil war: Jim Raynor and Tychus Findlay. Jim Raynor went from a fallen soldier to a hero and then to a marshal on the planet Mar Sara after losing his wife and children on secret Confederation trials.

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Jim Raynor and his teammates.

However, the entire human race is unaware of another external threat: the Zerg has known about the existence of the Terrans since 2439, and have silently infiltrated several Terran colonies. Tassadar, an Executor of the protoss species, also discovered the presence of Zerg in the Koprulu Sector. By 2499, the Zerg disaster officially erupted on many Terran's planets, including Mar Sara and Chau Sara. Tassadar's Protoss fleet burned down the entire planet of Chau Sara, destroying all life on its surface and marching to Mar Sara, but was forced to retreat when stopped by a Terran fleet.

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Tassadar's Protoss fleet burned Chau Sara.

Now, all three races have known face, enemy and ready for the Great War.


This article is part of a series about the StarCraft Storyline
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