Perspective of Earth and humanity in 2050

The Ted-ed website recently posted a video talking about the prospects of Earth and humanity in 2050.

The Ted-ed website recently posted a video talking about the prospects of Earth and humanity in 2050.

In 2050, if humans continue on the current trend, the Earth will face a number of challenges and changes such as heat disasters, floods, and intense and constant forest fires.


According to the United Nations, there are an estimated 7.6 billion people living on Earth and by 2050 that number will continue to increase to 9.8 billion people. By the end of the century, there will be about 11.2 billion people on our planet.

Population growth will increase pressure on global food supplies.

Perspective of Earth and humanity in 2050 Picture 1Perspective of Earth and humanity in 2050 Picture 1

Urbanization increases

A report by the International Institute for Environment and Development in 2020, estimated that about 68% of the population is expected to live in urban centers by 2050. Cities will become more crowded, more cramped and more crowded. There are more high-rise buildings now.

Climate Change

Global warming causes extreme weather and climate to appear globally. Heat waves, rising sea levels, and environmental changes will continue to increase.

According to scientists' research results, if the Earth increases by 3 degrees Celsius, the ice at the poles will melt more, leading to partial or complete submersion of coastal areas. The top 5 countries most vulnerable to long-term sea level rise are China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Resources are scarce

Land, water, food, and energy will become scarcer by 2050.

Extinction and resource competition

As food sources and resources will be depleted, competition between species will increase. Species that are less adapted may become extinct.

Lack of water

Currently, our world has 1.1 billion people without clean water to use and this number will increase to nearly 2 billion by 2050, concentrated mainly in the Middle East and North. Fly.

Perspective of Earth and humanity in 2050 Picture 2Perspective of Earth and humanity in 2050 Picture 2

Water scarcity means there will no longer be water used for irrigation. The world will also face drought and forest fires at an alarming rate.

The number of people dying from air pollution is increasing rapidly

Warmer weather will increase chemical reactions that produce many pollutants, such as bad ozone, nitrogen oxides (NOx), organic compounds (VOCs). making inhalers feel short of breath. , causing cough, long term will cause asthma.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that by 2050, about 6 million people will die from air pollution.

Rain forests will disappear

Every year our planet loses a large amount of rain forest due to indiscriminate deforestation.

By 2050, it is highly likely that rain forests will disappear. When forests are destroyed, large amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere, causing the climate to continue to change. The disappearance of tropical rain forests will lead to hundreds of species at risk of extinction.

Storms appear more frequently and are more severe

According to experts' predictions, type 4 and 5 storms (the strongest types) will increase in a direction that is difficult to control.

Rising sea levels and temperatures are also increasing due to climate change. By the year 2100, storms will become 300% stronger and more intense due to global warming and increased water vapor.

Therefore, scientists believe that the Earth is facing great challenges. To prevent the planet from facing the scary prospect of 2050, we must change our habits and educate people about the importance of environmental protection.

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