17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050
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To predict the future, sometimes we just need to analyze what is happening at the present time. Researchers have predicted 17 extremely important events that could happen to change the world in the second half of the 21st century . Invite you to watch!
2019: New countries can appear on the map
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 1 © Google Maps
The Pacific island of Bougainville has now officially become an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea . However, by 2019, it could become a separate country, which would only happen when the majority of the population of Bougainville voted for this decision in a referendum. New Caledonia , now part of France, may also become a separate country in the future.
2020: Construction of the world's tallest building will be completed
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 2 © Ammar shaker / Wikipedia Commons © AFP / EAST NEWS
Currently, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is holding the title of the world's tallest building ( 828 m ), but architects are looking to overcome that record by 2020. With the name Jeddah Tower , a project The new project being deployed in Saudi Arabia, will be a skyscraper architecture of nearly 1,000 meters tall, expected to be completed before 2020.
2020: Hotel in the first space will be opened
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 3 © Graham Grable / Wikipedia Commons © NASA / Wikipedia Commons
Bigelow Aerospace is planning to launch a spaceship, a private space for people from Earth in space in 2020. In addition to industrial and scientific purposes, it also has the potential to become a point. Space travel and support for research missions on the Moon and Mars.
Such aircraft tests were successful and even one of them was used as an astronaut's storage room in the International Space Station ( ISS ).
2024: SpaceX missiles will launch on Mars
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 4 © AFP / EAST NEWS
SpaceX, the company founded by billionaire Elon Musk in 2002, is aiming to make its first flight to Mars in 2024. After that, they want to send the first people to live there. The billionaire Elon Musk wants to operate four such spaceships, with two carrying them on Red Planet.
At that time, SpaceX plans to build a fuel-synthesis plant on the surface of Mars to use for the journey back to Earth.
2025: Earth's population will be 8 billion people
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 5 © Yan bo - Imaginechina / FOTOLINK / EAST NEWS
According to the United Nations, the world population will be 8 billion by 2025. By 2050, experts estimate the Earth will have 10 billion people.
2026: The Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona will be completed
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 6 © Aflo Images / East News
The construction of the Sagrada Familia church , the great catholic church in the Catalan region began in 1883. The Sagrada Familia is the famous symbol of Spain with its architectural combination of traditional Gothic and modern Art Nouveau. The biggest problem is the design of special blocks and it takes a long time to complete a block.
According to the Spanish government, this masterpiece will be completed in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of Antoni Gaudi's death, the author of this beautiful work, who suddenly died while the completion unfinished.
2028: The city of Venice may not be able to stay because of flooding
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 7 © Polaris / East News
That does not mean that the city will be completely submerged ( possibly, but before 2100 ). Venice is a city floating in Venetian lagoon along the Adriatic Sea, often flooded by wind and rain combined with rising tide. There are concerns that the water level in the upcoming Venetian lagoon will increase so much that people will not be able to live in the house.
2029: Apophis will progress nearly 23,860 miles from Earth
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 8 © NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCAL / MPS / DLR / IDA © NASA / eyevine / EAST NEWS ©
As predicted by NASA, Apophis asteroid will move closer to Earth in 2029 with a range of not less than 36,000 km, closer to the distance between many current satellites and Earth. 7 years later, ie 2036, Apophis asteroids can hit Earth with a probability of 1 / 45,000.
Today, though, it is not possible to know whether the Apophis asteroid hit Earth in 2036, but experts agree that the asteroid is a suitable object for practicing conservation options. Protect the Earth in the future.
2030: Arctic ice area will be very small
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 9 © NASA
Arctic ice area is decreasing. According to estimates, the Arctic Ocean will completely melt in the summer before the end of the 21st century.
2033: Begin experimentation to bring manned ships to Mars
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 10 © Wikipedia Commons
The European Space Agency's programs are still focused on studying the Moon, Mars and asteroids. They have the ambition to design special ships for manned expeditions to Mars. Before sending people to the planet Mars, they will launch ships to them and then develop technologies so that the ships can return to Earth.
See also: 11 fighters will change the world military position in the near future
2035: Russia can complete the teleportation technology
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 11 © EAST NEWS
Russian scientists are conducting research on transient teleportation technology, which means moving an object or a person instantly to a predetermined location by coding atomic particles. They predict that, by 2035, this technology will be realized. If successful, humans will see the instantaneous movement of an object, or people like in fiction films.
2036: The explorers will begin their journey to study the Alpha Centauri star system
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 12 © imago / Future Image / EAST NEWS © AFP / EAST NEWS
Breakthrough Starshot Project is sending a group of spacecraft to the nearest star. These probes will have solar sail and take about 20 years to reach the Alpha Centauri system and about 5 years to inform Earth about the successful appearance.
2038: The US National Archives will disassemble the assassination of John F. Kennedy
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 13
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 14 © Associated Press / FOTOLINK / FOTOLINK / East News © Archivio GBB / CONTRASTO / East News
Despite the fact that the assassin shot John John Kennedy , Lee Harvey Oswald, but this claim still makes many people question and do not believe it. Therefore, information about the assassination will continue to be collected and re-investigated by 2038 at the latest.
2040: International fusion reactor will be put into operation
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 15 © AFP / EAST NEWS
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor was started construction in the south of France in 2007. This reactor is much safer than traditional nuclear reactors because In the event of an accident, the amount of emissions is not too much and people do not need to evacuate.
2045: This will be a peculiar moment of technology
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 16 © depositphotos.com © depositphotos.com © pixabay.com © depositphotos.com
According to those who believe in the theory of " technological singularity ", sooner or later there will be a period of technological advancement that will be so complex that " incomprehensible ". Some people think this will be a time when people are integrated with machines, leading to the emergence of a completely new type of person.
2048: The suspension of Antarctic mining will be lifted
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 17 © EAST NEWS
According to the " Antarctic Treaty System ", no country has ownership of Antarctic territory and the continent itself is a non-nuclear area. Mining on this 6th continent is strictly prohibited, but perhaps the deal will be reviewed after 2048 .
2050: Life on Mars will begin
17 extremely important events that can change the world before 2050 Picture 18 © Kirschner / depositphotos.com
It is believed that by 2050, humans will live on Mars. They can go to the Red Planet as part of the Mars One project, but before that scientists will have to solve a lot of problems. However, there are people ( like Steve Wozniak ) who think we can't live in any other planet than Earth.
So we will have the answer in the near future, before 2050!
See also: 15 Bill Gates predictions since 1999 have come true
Having fun!
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