Notebook: New but not new

In addition to the real new products on the market, there are also Refurbish goods that are temporarily translated and repaired.

Besides the real new products in the market, there is also Refurbish product group (temporarily translated as repair, refurbished). This product group appears in many different products: laptops, cameras, MP3 players, DVD players, camcorders ., in which, laptops are the products with the most refurbish products.

From Refurbish?

Refurbish goods are defined as 'goods that are refreshed or restored to return to their original state'. This group of goods may have a certain error in the production process (usually appearing in the main components: mainboard, hard drive and screen), customers return to the factory because the machine is faulty, due to shipping process. shipping, goods to the exhibition, the goods are opened for a reason, so the seal is lost.

Notebook: New but not new Picture 1Notebook: New but not new Picture 1

Compare some new and Refurbish models: Dell XPS M170 with a new price of VND 22 million - Refurbish item costs VND 15.3 million.Toshiba A215 S7422 costs VND 15.3 million - Refurbish item costs VND 9.5 million.HP DV6700 costs VND 25 million - Refurbish item costs VND 13.7 million.

Unlike the second-hand product group (used goods), it will remain in the state of the machine (the machine-only importer), the models called Refurbish have been produced by the genuine replacement of new components ( For components that are broken or weak) or add necessary elements such as sealing and sealing machines . to produce products meeting the standards of business goods. In principle, Refurbish goods will be affixed with stamps on the chassis or 'Refurbish' body for consumers to know the quality and origin of the machine to be entitled to the warranty as well as the accompanying services. follow (if any).

Besides, when it has been classified into Refurbish product group, the website will also have symbols as well as specific information about these machines. Because they have been replaced or adjusted for internal components, their prices are much cheaper than new ones. Refurbish products are often recommended by manufacturers for charity programs or sold at a lower price of 30-40% depending on the actual value of the product.

Into 'new goods'

According to many electronics business experts, Vietnam is now the main 'market' of Refurbish products, mainly laptops. In many countries Refurbish regulations are quite strict and clear, but when entering Vietnam, many retailers have turned Refurbish goods into new ones. Rarely can a new purchase be properly refurbish at the right price for its value. Anh Vu (District 5, Ho Chi Minh City) said that he bought a Dell SPX M170 Refurbish laptop because there was a seal on the box with this symbol (next to the barcode).

But some people also said that the packaging of Refurbish notebooks has been changed so that sellers can sell them as new products at higher prices. A computer distributor on Ton That Tung Street (District 1, Ho Chi Minh City) said that retail agents often 'face customers' but offer prices according to new genuine or slightly cheaper prices. Few places sell properly with Refurbish prices.

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