Netbook : This term was coined by Intel in February 2008, to designate a small, cheap, and lightweight computer that is optimized for Internet access and other basic computing functions such as word processing. So it can be said: Netbooks are " small laptops designed for communication and wireless Internet access ."
Distinguish between Laptop and Netbook
Laptops have more features and configurations than many Netbooks. About audio and processing speed of Netbook is also less far from Laptop. Therefore, of course, the price of Laptop is much higher than Netbook. However, depending on different purposes, users can choose for themselves a Laptop or a Netbook.
According to many analysts, Netbook is really ineffective at work such as carrying out its advertising jobs, small keyboards, small screens, no optical drive, and hardware is extremely weak, users only have Being able to surf the web, make text is done, in addition there is no advanced function.
However, the advantage of Netbook is that it has a compact body and light weight, so users often buy it when their purpose is to do mobile jobs and query information. Because of these advantages and cheap prices, Netbook is now emerging as a new trend that is popular.
As for Laptops, users often choose to buy work to do the job because of the advantages of fast processing speed, large keyboard as well as large screen makes working easier.