Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body'

Coconut water is a popular drink for many people in the summer. However, if drinking coconut water incorrectly will cause you to be exposed to health risks.
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Coconut water is a popular summer drink that is loved by many. Coconut water not only tastes good, but also contains a lot of good nutrients for the body. Drinking coconut water can significantly improve health problems such as digestive system, weight loss, energy boosting and skin rejuvenation .

To have such great benefits, you also need to know how to drink properly, otherwise it will cause serious health hazards.

1. Drinking coconut water in the evening is extremely dangerous

Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 1Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 1

After a hard day's work, the evening is the time when the body needs to relax and rest. Therefore, you should avoid drinking coconut water at this time, especially drinking with ice will make your body temperature decrease, making your body cold, susceptible to disease.

For those who practice martial arts or kicking soccer, it is also advisable to avoid drinking coconut water before playing because it will leave muscles and tendons loose, not enough to run and practice.

The best time for you to enjoy coconut water is in the morning or noon to work (because the morning and afternoon are positive).

2. Do not drink coconut water too often

Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 2Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 2

Although coconut water is beneficial, you should not overdo it to replace drinking water daily because they can lead to overweight and obesity. In coconut milk contains a lot of kcal, drinking 2 coconuts equivalent to 140 kcal loaded into the body, half a bowl of rice. In order to burn off this kcal, you need to walk 45 minutes or cycle 20 minutes. Therefore, if you are overweight or obese, you should reduce kcal in other dishes when you drink coconut water.

Also, pay attention to the amount of sugar in coconut water. As a rule, the quick intake of sweet sugar per person per day should not exceed 10% of the dietary energy, about 180-200 kcal. Thus, when you drink coconut water, you should limit fruits and other sugar drinks.

3. Children under 6 months old should not give coconut water

Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 3Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 3

Although coconut water has many benefits for children, but for children under 6 months of age, absolutely not recommended. Because the digestive system of children under 6 months of age is still weak, it is not suitable for oral administration. If you want your child to drink coconut water, let him be 6 months old. When you start giving your baby a drink, you should give it a small amount and then increase it gradually. Absolutely not for children to drink too much and fast, this will affect the digestive system such as flatulence, indigestion.

4. Women who are pregnant for the first 3 months should not drink

Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 4Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 4

For those who are pregnant during the first 3 months, it is best to avoid drinking coconut water. Because when pregnant, embryos are still young, coconut water is soldered, pregnant women drink coconut water will not be good for the fetus and digestion process. In addition, coconut water has 2% fat, pregnant pregnant women will exacerbate symptoms of morning sickness.

However, after 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women can drink coconut water, drink coconut water at this time is very good for the fetus as well as the mother, has antibacterial effect, anti-constipation, diuretic . for For ordinary people, one day should drink about 2 liters of filtered water, pregnant women need more, so it is necessary to drink additional coconut water.

5. Going to the sun should not drink coconut water immediately

Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 5Coconut water is very good, but drinking in these ways only 'picks up the body' Picture 5

Coconut water is not the right kind of water to drink when coming back from the sun. Drinking coconut water when going to the sun is easy to cause illness to the body such as bloating, fever .

In particular, if you just play sports or do heavy work, lose strength, do not rush to drink coconut water, because it will make limbs sad, reduce toughness and quick reflexes. If it is used, it is necessary to drink slowly little by little.

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