NASA broadcast live the event of the self-destructive Cassini probe on Saturn at 1732 this afternoon, we can see
The Cassini probe of the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) will crash into "suicide" Saturn's atmosphere and explode at 17h32 on September 15.
- NASA's Cassini spacecraft is about to commit suicide on Saturn next week
- Impressive series that Cassini captured before 'suicide'
The Cassini spacecraft is part of the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft co-operated by NASA with the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency.
NASA broadcast live the event of the self-destructive Cassini probe on Saturn at 1732 this afternoon, we can see Picture 1
- On October 15, 1997, Cassini-Huygens was launched into space.
- On July 1, 2004 Cassini-Huygens came to orbit around Saturn, after a seven-year interplanetary voyage.
- On December 25, 2004, the Huygens expedition ship was separated from Cassini at 2:00 UTC.
- On January 14, 2005, Cassini arrived at Saturn's Titan Moon.
- On April 25, 2017, NASA and its partners successfully completed the journey around Saturn.
During his 13-year journey to discover Saturn, Cassini has consistently sent new images and data such as hidden moons, artesian wells, saltwater lakes or a massive north pole of Saturn. One of its biggest discoveries was the discovery of Titan, Saturn's largest satellite with conditions suitable for life.
NASA broadcast live the event of the self-destructive Cassini probe on Saturn at 1732 this afternoon, we can see Picture 2
According to calculations by scientists, Cassini ships will burst and burn at 17h32 on September 15 (in Vietnamese time). And at 19h56 the same day, Cassini's final signal will be transmitted to Earth.
Of course, with a distance of up to 932 million miles (about 1,500 million kilometers), NASA cannot observe the fact that its 3 billion-worth probe is destroyed and they will show the animation of Cassini's position for until it disappears completely.
NASA space agency said it will broadcast live on Cassini's "death" and we can see.
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