15 great physicists change the way we understand the world
With superhuman brains, physicists have come up with theories, ideas, discoveries that help people completely change their perception of the world around them as well as in the vast universe.
Physics is so vast, it is ubiquitous from human daily life to the most remote places in the universe. The work of this world famous physicist has contributed to changing the perception of humanity about the world.
1. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
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He is considered one of the greatest scientists and physicists of all time and the " father of modern physics ". He was the first to assert "all things fell freely with the same constant acceleration ". This is one of his most famous achievements.
Galileo Galilei is also the creator and developer of telescopes to help people observe astronomical phenomena in the universe. Thanks to the results, he discovered " The sun is the center of the solar system" , the surface on the moon has jagged mountains and the existence of solar black holes.
2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
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Most of us know Isaac Newton with three Newton's laws of motion and his law of universal gravitation. Besides, he also gave a law to preserve momentum and dispersion of light through a prism. These are the basic knowledge that are used to teach in schools.
One of his groundbreaking ideas about the universe is that the movement of objects in the sky must also follow the laws of physics like the movement of objects on the earth.
3. Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
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Michael Faraday has made breakthroughs in the study of magnetism and electricity. He discovered the electromagnetic induction in 1831 and invented the world's first electric transformer.
In 1839, he proposed a basic relationship between electricity and magnetism.
His name is given to many concepts and units as Faraday's constant, Faraday's law of induction.
4. James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
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In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his work on the dynamical theory of electromagnetic fields. This theory shows that magnetism, electricity and light are both manifestations of the same phenomenon: the electromagnetic field.
5. Wilhelm Röntgen (1845-1923)
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In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen accidentally discovered electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range from which to produce X-rays. Today, X-ray rays are widely used by people in health and many industries.
6. Marie Curie (1867-1934)
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In 1896 Marie Curie discovered radioactive material (found by the properties of X-rays) and introduced the technique of isolating isotopes. At the same time, she and her husband Pierre Curie discovered two radioactive elements radium and polonium.
7. Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940)
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Before Joseph John Thomson discovered the electron, the atom was only understood to be the smallest particle and the basic constituent of matter, never seen.
Joseph John Thomson is the discoverer and illustrator that there are smaller particles that make up the smaller matter than the atom is the electron.
8. Max Planck (1858-1947)
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Max Planck is the "father" of quantum mechanics. In 1900 Max Planck introduced the concept of quantum, the smallest and most discrete quantity of a physical entity.
He is the one who sets the value for Planck's constants: ε = hv, which is the fundamental constant of physics that appears in the problems of quantum physics.
9. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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In 1905, Albert Einstein published a study of relativity, in which he described that the speed of light is always constant, and at the speed of light, time stands still and mass is invisible. term He gave the formula E = mc2.
In 1915, Einstein published general theory of relativity, a fundamental theory of the nature of time, space, and gravity. Which describes gravity as the result of spacetime curvature.
10. Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937)
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Ernest Rutherford is a physicist operating in the field of radiation and atomic construction. In 1911, he published one of his two most important works, the atomic model. He proved that the middle nucleus accounts for most of the mass of atoms.
His second important work was the discovery of protons in 1920.
11. Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
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Neils Bohr, a famous Danish physicist, is best known for building the theory of atomic structure published in 1913. He showed that an atom has a nucleus at the center with electrons. spin around it. Neils Bohr plays an important part in the creation of quantum mechanics.
12. Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958)
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The famous studies of Wolfgang Pauli are about quantum theory and spin theory.
In 1925, Wolfgang Pauli discovered the Exclusion Principle, the key to understanding the properties of nebulae and stars. He was the one who proposed the existence of neutrinos, which are very light and difficult to interact with matter in 1931.
13. Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961)
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In 1926, Erwin Schrödinger introduced the Schrödinger wave equation, the basic equation of quantum physics, which describes wave mechanics.
In 1935, he came up with one of the most famous fantasy experiments in history, 'Schrödinger's Cat'.
14. Paul Dirac (1902-1984)
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Paul Dirac's most highly acclaimed work is to predict the existence of antimatter, equally charged particles that are contrary to electrons, like positron (or antielectron) in 1928.
15. Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)
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Werner Heisenberg is famous for the uncertainty principle 1927, an important principle of quantum mechanics. According to this principle, provide basic limitations on the accuracy of experimental measurements in quantum mechanics.
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