MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together'

These are essentially two models of SmartBook shaped like Apple and Sony products.

These are essentially two models of SmartBook shaped like Apple and Sony products.

Although the two SmartBook Logo and Razor models have many similarities with the MacBook Air and Vaio, they do create their own distinctly beautiful designs. Both models have 11.6-inch display screen with chiclet keyboard that feels very comfortable to use.

MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 1MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 1
The SmartBook Logo has the same power key as the Sony Vaio. (Photo: Engadget) .

While the SmartBook Razor integrates an Intel Atom N280 processor and has an aluminum case that feels just like a monolithic MacBook, the SmartBook Logo uses ULV low-voltage processor with the power key on the hinged side. Watch out for Sony Vaio products.

MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 2MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 2
Razor reminds viewers of the MacBook Air. (Photo: Engadget) .

Both models are installed with Windows 7 operating system and sold for about 952 USD in the next few weeks.

In addition to Razor and Logo, the SmartBook also introduces a luxurious AG model with a top cover attached with decorative beads.

Logo SmartBook Logo
Razor SmartBook image
SmartBook AG images

Logo SmartBook Logo

MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 3MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 3

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MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 12MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 12

MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 13MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 13

Logo SmartBook Logo
Razor SmartBook image
SmartBook AG images

Razor SmartBook image

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MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 15MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 15

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MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 21MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 21

MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 22MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 22

Logo SmartBook Logo
Razor SmartBook image
SmartBook AG images

SmartBook AG images

MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 23MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 23

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MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 32MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 32

MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 33MacBook and Sony Vaio 'go home together' Picture 33

Logo SmartBook Logo
Razor SmartBook image
SmartBook AG images

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