Let Justin Schmidt try to feel the pain of being caught by insects with the 'strongest sting in the world'
If you've accidentally been stung by a bee, you will definitely know what it feels like to be bitten by an insect, but the bee's sting is nothing compared to the many people considered to be the top. " ranking pain "caused by insects.
And the guy Justin Schmidt decided to try it out with "very powerful insects ": bullet ant ( bullet ant ) .
According to entomologist Justin Schmidt - who created the Schmidt ranking, said, when assessing the level of pain of insects in the world when they bite / burn people, stings of ants (( bullet ant) from Central America and South America caused a burn described as " walking on a pile of fiery coals with a heel scratched by claws that are nearly 8cm (3 inches) long ", and that pain lingered within 24 hours.
If you want to see how close a person is burned by the bullet ants, check out the video below of the Brave Wilderness on Youtube, which is the scene of the "experienced" coyote Peterson Burning pain like hit bullet ant bullet in 24 hours continuously. If you do not want to wait long, you can go to the 13th minute.
Even for a highly tolerant and experienced person like Coyote Peterson, the bullet's sting is still horrible, after being injected, Coyote is rolling to the ground with pain. According to him, "The burn is extremely hot, causing both the arm to be paralyzed and affecting all other muscles in the body, especially the neck. After 24 hours, the burn is still painful and the skin is on. His hand turned red indicating that it was affected by the poison ".
Introducing to everyone a little bit about this extremely brave guy, Peterson was the one who tried many different insects on the painful chart caused by Schmidt's insect bite as ants harvested. (haverster ant), fire ant (fire ant) - causes level 1 pain based on Schmidt table, or velvet ant - level 3 level pain, followed by tarantula hawk bee with level 4 level. Besides, bullet ants (bullet ant) are also classified in level 4, the highest level on Schmidt table.
Bullet ant (bullet ant) is the top species in Schmidt's painful ranking caused by insect sting. Many people also say that this ant species has that name because its injection is horribly inferior to that of a bullet.
In his search to expand the scope of pain and first experiences, Peterson began by placing his hand in a collection of ant colonies (haverster ant) - a common species in the southwestern United States.
After 60 unshielded burns, Peterson found a fire ant nest to put his hand on it. The initial pain didn't seem so bad, but if you ever wondered how it would feel to let your bare hands into the fire ants, try watching the video below and saying goodbye to lunch, like Peterson has shown consequences.
Another view, the American entomologist Justin Schmidt, who has experienced more than 1,000 bites by at least 83 different insect species, has made a statistics table of his own pain index.
Justin Schmidt described the fire of a fire ant: " Throbbing, suddenly, softly alarming . It is like walking across a thick carpet of carpet when turning off the light switch ." Schmidt ranked the level of pain caused by fire ants at level 1.
Next, Peterson forced himself into a velvet ant, an extremely beautiful insect from North America and it was exactly the bee - one of the longest sting species in the world, Compared to body size, it causes " pain " in Peterson within 30 minutes.
According to Schmidt, about the pain: " Pain and lingering, you scream like a madman. Heat from the hand overflows through the whole hand ." Pain level level 3.
Then is the Tarantula Hawk bees and this is the sting of Tarantula Hawk bee only cause pain in a few minutes but enough to make the victim feel like just undergoing a deadly electric shock. Therefore, Tarantula Hawk was one of the most painful insect bites.
Let's see what it does with a giant spider
When growing its size 5cm long, this insect is very big and scary, even the most insecticists must keep their distance. According to Schmidt, the pain of being stunned by bee Tarantula Hawk: " Like an active hair dryer, you fall into the bathtub ." Pain level level 4.
After completing the challenge with the bullet (bullet ant), Coyote is ready for war bees (warrior wasp). This bee is ranked higher than the bullet - bullet ant at the same level of pain level 4. Between bullets (bullet ant) and hornets warriors (warrior wasp) which species has more painful injections still in controversy. According to Schmidt, warrior wasp was more than bullet ant but lasted only for a few minutes, while bullet ant came for hours.
Therefore, the entomologist Schmidt placed warrior wasps at the top of the pain index table and gave the level of pain level 4.
Besides, here is a clip of a guy putting his hand into gloves full of bullets - bullet ant, according to the maturity ceremony of a tribe in Manaus:
Having fun!
You should read it
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