How to handle bee stings
A bee sting is a common occurrence on summer days. When a bee stings need emergency help because its venom can make the victim poisoned, fever, anaphylactic shock, acute kidney failure, hemolysis . even life-threatening.
The degree of poisoning when a bee sting depends on the type of bee, the number of bites. The victim is more and more poisoned when the number of nodules burns and near important positions such as head, neck .
When a person stings a lot (5-10 notes or more), especially the sting on the head, face, neck, upper shoulder, the victim feels tired, uncomfortable, painful swelling needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible. . In some cases, the victim suffered only 2 stings but was seriously poisoned.
How to handle bee stings Picture 1
First aid when properly bee stings will avoid severe disease, multi-organ failure.
What to do when a bee sting?
- Need to leave the area quickly.
- Use tweezers to pull out the bee's syringe. Do so gently, avoid squeezing because it can spread the venom.
- Wash the burned skin with warm water and soap. Apply an antiseptic solution such as 70-degree alcohol or 10% povidine to the sting twice daily.
- Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.
- Apply cold compresses to the sting to reduce swelling and reduce pain.
- After handling, it is necessary to take bee stingers to medical facilities for monitoring.
Prevent bee stings
- Do not disturb the hive.
- Stand still, sit still and do not move if the bee flies.
- Regularly clean and clear the bushes around the house so that bees don't come to nest.
- Avoid wearing colorful clothes, do not use perfume, shampoo, cosmetics . fragrant when picnic or into the forest to avoid attracting bees.
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