Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day!

Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day. Invite you to welcome reading!
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Try to imagine : You start a new day very badly. Alarm clock does not sound. So, you have to shower in a hurry, quickly bake bread for breakfast, the kids run around and can't see it, while your damn car won't explode and basically everything is bad bad! It's like Murphy's law states: " If something bad can happen, it will happen ." As a result, the plan to have a productive day disappears.

So what's the solution?A 20-minute morning routine will help you have a super productive day and a great happy recipe.

Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 1Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 1

A happy researcher trained at Harvard University and the author of the New York Times ' best-selling book ' The Happiness Advantage ' - Shawn Achor , Giving a morning ritual ( morning ritual - a series of activities done regularly like morning routines ) will increase your level of positivity and bring you a happy advantage.

What is the advantage of happiness?

When you increase your positive level, your brain will feel happier. A healthy, intoxicating brain with positive will be well equipped to handle stresses as well as everyday situations.

This is simply understandable because your brain will become smarter with positive thoughts. A happy brain makes your body's energy level rise and makes you actively do everything. The brain that nourishes the positive will make your working day more effective. Performance may increase to 31%. So, let us learn about the morning 20-minute habit to help improve the performance in a " crazy " way.

2 minutes to relive the most positive moment yesterday

Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 2Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 2

The brain can be easily fooled - it does not recognize the difference between experience and imagining something. So, take 2 minutes a day to capture the happy moment in the past 24 hours and relive those wonderful moments. This will make your brain feel more positive. As we have seen, a more positive brain will basically help you to do things that are more productive, whether it's work, health care or hobby.

2 minutes to send a positive email

Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 3Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 3

2 things will happen to send someone a positive email with good things. One is that it will make you feel " suspended " because you have done a good job. The second is that it will make you stronger in personal relationships. Being loved will definitely make you and your brain feel happier, thus making your brain work more efficiently than usual.

2 minutes showing gratitude

Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 4Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 4

Write down 3 things that you feel grateful for every day for at least 21 consecutive days . This action will train your brain to become more optimistic and find positive everywhere instead of negative. Think about everything you can do to make yourself feel better in life. Instead of seeing the half of a glass of water, this way you can train the brain to see it as half full. The optimistic view of the world is a very happy thing. As we see, happiness always leads you on the path towards higher performance .

See also: 10 great ways to manage time you need to know

Exercise for 10 to 15 minutes

Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 5Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 5

Exercise can greatly affect the brain in two ways. Strong exercise, even for just 10 minutes, can fill the brain with endorphins, or " happy hormones, " which reduce stress and make optimal brain thinking. Also, by spending a little time exercising and doing something for yourself, train your brain to think that you are always important. The positive will follow you throughout the day and through everything you do. Exercise is a way to train the brain to overcome something with perseverance and thus make your brain more productive.

2 minutes of meditation

Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 6Just spend 20 minutes every morning, you will have a super productive day! Picture 6

Finally, even taking 2 minutes to sit still, not thinking about anything but breathing out and breathing in can improve the brain's concentration mechanism and make it more accurate, also like increasing positivity and reducing stress levels. Deeper focus means letting the brain concentrate on a particular task and making it more effective.

These morning routines can be done in 20 minutes a day or can last a little longer on the days you have time. It will make you and your brain more active, certainly higher performance.

See more: 9 simple tips to keep you happy at work

Having fun!

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