16 things to do on Monday morning of the week to be able to work more effectively
Monday morning - the first morning begins a new work week. Perhaps this is the time when people feel " tired " most because they have to continue to step into another week of stressful work and study. All of us have to go through that feeling, so the alarm clock on Monday morning is considered " a rude awakening ". However, for those who are successful in life, they have a way of dealing with a completely different early morning week.
The morning is the beginning of a new day, so the physical and mental state in the morning is very important, it will govern all human activities throughout the day. Here are 16 things that successful people often do to start a new productive week . So next Monday morning, try applying it to see how effective they are!
1. No "sleeping"
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Everyone likes to press the " snooze " button on the alarm clock and maybe the person who invented this button should get the Nobel prize. However, most people simply think that this button can help you sleep for a few more seconds without knowing that baking will bring more harm. Try to get up at the right time when the alarm clock sounds, which will help you start the day with a great mood. In addition, this also gives you more energy than the sleep-wake-the-sleep cycle.
2. Exercise
The best way to get enough energy for a day is to make your body work early. Early morning exercise is the way many people choose to help them get out of bed quickly and more alert when starting a new day. In addition, morning exercise has also been shown to help improve mood and boost people's confidence.
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3. Breakfast
Perhaps, we all know that breakfast plays a very important role. Successful people work effectively when they have all the nutrients they need to start the week well. Make sure your breakfast includes protein because it will help you feel full longer, thus prolonging your work efficiency.
4. Clean up before leaving the house
Mondays will surely be an extremely busy day and for many people they accept to put things in one place, the dishes still soaked in the tub all day. However, if you do not clean up before leaving the house, you must also do it when you get home, when your body is much more tired. So do this yourself before leaving the house. This job only takes a few minutes but you will find this extremely useful after a hard day of work returning home.
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5. Plan for the new week
Most people have a daily schedule. However, you will have a lot of concerns from week to week. Therefore, if you plan for next week or simply bring a pencil in a meeting on Thursday, write down these things at the beginning of the week and your work will be much more effective. .
6. Get to work early
. or at least on time. Monday morning routines may become a habit for your whole week, so choose the best. Getting to work early with a comfortable mood is a lot better than explaining to people the reason for being late by traffic jams.
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7. Good organization
What better way to start the week than to clean up your workspace? You will work more effectively if your desk is neatly arranged and put everything in place so it doesn't take time to find.
8. Do small things first
If you have a lot of errands then you should start working on it right away. Such as: Reply to email, photo documents, . or whatever you need to do. Once small stories are completed, you can put all your effort into working bigger.
9. Control the inbox
Make sure your inbox is not too messy. Deleting junk messages and unnecessary things, splitting emails into each item will obviously save a lot of timefor yourself because you don't have to spend too much time finding important emails.
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10. Welcome everyone
In addition to having skills and hard work, good relationships with people are also very important elements of success. Simply, " Hello " or " Good morning " for those you meet will create an impression for a long time.
11. Make a list of things to do
This is an extremely good thing that will help you easily track your progress. Make a list on your personal computer, a list in your phone and another on your desk, you'll know the work you have been doing and need to do. Remember to cross out the completed work.
12. Imagine success
Imagine everything in the week will be successful for you. This can create a great source of motivation while doing the job.
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13. Face big problems
After solving small things, it is now time to face bigger problems. This will probably take longer than you expect, so you should do them at the beginning of the week to make sure it will be completed on time.
14. Always keep a positive attitude
Successful people always stay positive and confident even when facing the most difficult problems. Feeling heavy at the beginning of the week will make your days worse. Therefore, always keep positive and positive attitude for yourself while working.
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15. Focus on the main tasks
We are often easily distracted, thus making our productivity significantly reduced. Try to start work when you are sure that nothing is affecting your concentration. Successful people can only succeed when they do a good job, so make sure you can do the same.
16. Don't be afraid to say "no"
Everyone's ability to work is limited. So when you go to work at the beginning of the week and get many different requests, you should only agree with the things that you can do. [8 reasons you should learn how to say "NO" now]
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Having fun!
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