Work more effectively every day with 3 simple actions
Let's face the fact that whether you like it or not, how to start a new day has a huge impact on the rest of the day!
Imagine that you start one morning: getting up late, having no hot water and having to take a cold shower, the shirt you want to wear on that day is dirty, when pouring the milk and finding it broken and The worst is broken cars on the way to work. Hmmm . Now do you think you can do a good job on that day? Probably not.
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On the other hand, try to imagine another situation: you wake up in the morning with a warm sun, 5 minutes earlier than the alarm; prepared clothes from the previous night; Prepare breakfast and enjoy them while reading newspapers. The weather was so beautiful that you could ride your bike to work. Obviously much better right?
Despite the fact that some things are out of your reach, there are many other things that can be controlled to change your morning habits and get positive results. Here are a few ways to start the day effectively and increase your productivity throughout the day. Invite you to consult!
1. Let's add a positive activity
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Many of us are very likely to fall into the morning activity pattern like: wake up according to the alarm clock ( when not getting enough sleep ); curse, get off the clock, get out of bed; make coffee ( if you wake up on time) ; take a shower; get dressed and go to work.
However, in fact there are many things that each of us can change to make the morning more positive and useful. One of the best ways is to add a positive activity, as recent research from the University of Warwick confirms: " Happiness makes us work 12% more effectively ."
Think about something you want to do in the morning and don't waste too much energy. Eg:
- Meditate
- Cook yourself breakfast ( fried eggs and toast ),
- Read newspaper or some novel pages
All of these activities do not need to try too much but bring a positive impact on your mood and health. You may have to get up 20 minutes earlier than usual, but it is also worth it?
One thing to note is that don't try to do many things at once; Don't tell yourself: " I'll read the newspaper while I'm brushing my teeth ". That will only lead to frustration and surely you will not be able to feel the full pleasure you intended before making your new and exciting activity. So take time for new activities in your schedule so you can enjoy the full joy without feeling the need to rush and " make it ".
Imagine if you add a simple activity to your morning routine, how much happier you will be when you walk out the door every morning!
2. Take an extra 10 minutes to perform an important task
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Starting the day is an extremely important time. When you wake up ( comfortable after a good night's sleep ), you have the opportunity to start a new day with a relaxed and undisturbed mood. Therefore, you absolutely have a spirit of roof clearance and do not need to brainstorm to handle new jobs, crises and just live your life. For that reason, you will often get the best productivity in the morning.
Here is one of the best tips for productivity that you can do during the day, whether you are working full-time, working freely or working from home. It is very simple, take a short time in the morning - about 10 to 20 minutes - to do the most important job you intend to do during the day.
David Kadavy, author of the book " Design for Hackers " always spends 10 minutes every morning dealing with an important task he has planned to deal with during the day. No need to think at all. Just sit down and do it. And the trick here is that this action has such good results because the hardest part is to start working.
However, by lowering the standard - spending about 10-20 minutes - and just doing it, you've allowed your brain to work almost immediately. At that time, you broke the biggest barrier. As Kadavy said, 10 minutes will be 20 minutes, then 20 minutes into 1 hour, then 2 hours, and you will achieve more results within the first 2 hours of the day compared to normal.
3. Don't start the day by checking email
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Avoiding changing the context - especially when starting the new day - is very important. If you start a new day by checking your email, you've made yourself work ineffectively.
Think about it if you check the mailbox and see 5 different requests coming from 5 different people and you can't focus anymore.
Whether you like it or not, your brain will have to work for those requirements and it will use valuable resources to plan for solving them. You will certainly feel nervous about everything you need to do, before you actually do anything. So every time you check your email, you lose your focus on your previous work.
The American Psychological Association's study of "spiritual tax" when doing many things at once and constantly changing context suggests: " Even switching between jobs can make one person at least reduce. 40% of performance time ".
In the current day, it is easy to feel responsible for starting the day by checking email. Whether it's good or bad, that's the way things are resolved. This is how the requirements are made and implemented and also a way to check the progress of the work. Moreover, that's how most business activities take place.
But anyway, you can still control your own email checking. Remember that not checking your email at the beginning of the day is a great step to start a new day. Instead, set up a few specific email check dates for the day, 11 am and 4 pm, for example. By checking the mailbox twice - before noon and before the end of the working day - you will receive and reply back to any necessary requests.
Don't forget to share your new changes with colleagues. Let your customers / colleagues know that you will be less likely to check your email more often to improve your performance ( who can argue with you? ), You don't need to check email often. more. If there are more urgent problems, they can always call you or meet you directly.
Restricting access to mailboxes can be the most effective improvement in productivity you do throughout the year. That action will help you stay alert and focus on current important tasks.
The three simple changes mentioned above will help you start the morning properly and achieve the highest productivity throughout the day that you have never heard before.
Refer to some more articles:
- Using 1 hour after work will determine your success
- Instead of surfing Facebook, do these 3 useful things online
- 15 habits of wasting time need to be removed immediately
Having fun!
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