The 4000-year-old weapon, lunch box discovered in Switzerland

The scientist discovered a piece of bow, arrow and an ancient wooden food box of a mountain climber in Switzerland thousands of years ago.

The scientist discovered a piece of bow, arrow and an ancient wooden food box of a mountain climber in Switzerland thousands of years ago.

Artifacts along with some items were found in a rock hideout next to a glacier near the top of the Lotschberg Pass nearly 8,800 feet high in the Bernese Alps.

The 4000-year-old weapon, lunch box discovered in Switzerland Picture 1The 4000-year-old weapon, lunch box discovered in Switzerland Picture 1

Regula Gubler, a government archaeologist at the Canton of Bern Institute, says these objects are believed to belong to Bronze Age hunters and herdsmen who had sheltered under a large rock near. The peak of the pass about 4,000 years ago.

It is known that this area was discovered in 2011. Archaeologists from the Canton of Bern Archeology Agency conducted a survey of the site that year and recovered some items during the excavation process. in 2012, but due to bad weather, they were unable to complete the complete dig.

"That time, we saw a lot of snow falling on this place and this year too, we couldn't complete the excavation. Just waiting for the summer, it was a great time." - Gubler said.

The latest findings include four wooden pieces from elm (elm) that can be part of two bows, wooden arrows, strips of antique leather and strings made of animal skin fibers attached to a button made from horns of cattle, Gubler said.

The analysis of carbon traces suggests that these objects originated from 2000 to 1800 BC, according to Live Science.

All of these artifacts are located in an area of ​​about 2 square meters, inside an island in the middle of rocks lying at the bottom of the pass, Gubler said.

These findings show that a person or group of people has been sheltering in the crypt 4000 years ago, and left many objects and tools behind after leaving. She said.

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