Inside the data center of Amazon Web Services
AWS contributes about 60% of Amazon's revenue, equivalent to $ 50 million per year. If you have access to the Internet, you may have used a service of AWS without even knowing it.
So where is AWS, what is it and how does it work? Check out the AWS datacenter in the video below.
These huge server farms are at the core of AWS's success. North Virginia alone has about 50 data centers, covering an area of millions of hectares.
However, information about them is often kept confidential. Not only does the address not come out publicly, but AWS customers also rarely see first-hand activity in the data center.
Security is top concern here. The AWS data center is often surrounded by high visibility, security personnel, intrusion detection systems, and surveillance cameras.
Access to these facilities is also limited to a limited number of people for a short period of time. They must also do at least 2 authentication for a visit.
For those who are allowed to visit the AWS data center, they will be accompanied by at least one employee of the company throughout the journey.
When the first barrier is crossed, the next area is the infrastructure system. This is the place to install important systems for the center's operations such as backup power systems, fire protection, or air-conditioning.
To maintain their dominance in the market, AWS data centers are not allowed to shut down for any reason. Therefore, water, electricity, telecommunications, and Internet supplies are all designed with full redundancy.
In addition, AWS engineers also continuously monitor the ambient temperature and humidity to ensure 80,000 servers in a single data center operate stably, avoiding overload. In the worst case, if a fire breaks out, automatic sprinkler systems will be activated to help the center overcome the crisis.
After the infrastructure area, last is the data area. Security in this area is even tighter with a series of intrusion detection systems and strict monitoring procedures for anyone entering and leaving. Even small signs like the door opening longer than usual will sound an alarm.
Inside the data center of Amazon Web Services Picture 1
All access points are fortified with an electronic security device, if it detects or suspects data leaked, the system will automatically disconnect. These security systems are tested throughout the year and evaluated against 2600 criteria. Third-party auditors can request access to all of the centre's systems.
In terms of hardware, the AWS data center is essentially a server bank. An AWS data center holds 50,000 to 80,000 servers, powered by 25-32MW power supply systems.
AWS could easily double the number of servers and create larger data centers. However, according to AWS director James Hamilton, increasing the number of servers for one hub does not mean an increase in value.
Specifically, he said at a conference in 2016: 'At some point the value will go down and the costs go up, in our opinion this is the right number.'
Hamilton used the term Blast Radius to emphasize the impact that problems can have on larger data centers. According to Hamilton, 80,000 servers are a lot and they are designed to process 102 Terabytes of data per second. He also revealed that the bandwidth in the center is even higher than that.
AWS initially hired traditional provider services for the center's operations. But over time, the company began developing its own servers, subtly optimizing the airflow in the AWS building using AWS software.
The company even produces its own chip, called Graviton, based on the ARM architecture. These chips are now 2nd generation, 3rd generation in development.
In terms of memory, each rack in the AWS data center can hold 11 petabytes of data. To know the exact data storage capabilities of AWS, multiply this number by 100,000 times that corresponds to hundreds of AWS data centers around the world.
AWS routers work on custom ASICs, supporting 128 ports connecting with 25 gigabit (Gb) Ethernet connectivity. According to Hamilton, when combined with the system can increase the speed to 50Gb.
The process of connecting between data centers to secure and backup customer information takes place over 100Gbps transmission lines.
AWS even builds its own marine cable lines and power stations. The company also prioritizes using recycled water for its cooling system.
Some former AWS employees describe everyday tasks in a data center as working in a dedicated computer emergency room.
With many such devices, a crash, a shutdown or a restart is inevitable. A team of technicians will be responsible for handling these situations. They must adhere to the standards described in the manual for most possible problems.
In the future, there will inevitably be more and more AWS data centers in operation.
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