Infra-red Wifi is 112 GB per second, 300 times faster than the current speed

With a data transfer rate 300 times faster than the current systems, the new infrared ray safe system with the eyes of Dutch researchers helps the device to download three HD quality movies. after only a second.

With a data transfer rate 300 times faster than the current systems, the new infrared ray safe system with the eyes of Dutch researchers helps the device to download three HD quality movies. after only a second.

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Video: Reuters.

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology have turned each infrared into a data transmission channel using frequencies of about 200 terahertz, thousands of times higher than the current wireless system's wireless signals, allowing for increased capacitance. transmission amount.

Professor Ton Koonen added that they have now achieved a transfer rate of 112 GB, allowing three high-quality movies to be downloaded in a second.

To ensure connectivity when users move, central ceiling mounted antennas emit multiple wavelengths in different directions. Each antenna emits a separate wavelength and only one electronic device connects to it, which ensures transfer speed due to unallocated capacity.

How to transmit infrared beams to electronic devices thanks to feedback radio signals that help save energy while improving the security of the system due to light not penetrating the wall.

Researchers hope this technology will be replicated in the next 5 years.

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