7 facts about life make you say that this world has so many miracles

If you feel curious about these things, please refer to our article below. Read and feel.

Life around us is always hidden with interesting and unexpected things that you and the scientists have not yet discovered. There are very simple things, but most of us are not sure about it, and when you say it, you'll have to say that it is amazing, why haven't I heard about it for so long.

If you feel curious about these things, please refer to our article below. Read and feel.

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1. Not round 3, new back is the most attractive point for men

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Many of us often think that men will be intrigued by girls with a full circle or round 3. But the reality is not so, according to research by European scientists, they believe that the back of women is the attraction of the eyes of men.

This conclusion comes after researchers tested the 3D model of the female body and showed the male audience. Accordingly, men's eyes and reactions are always directed at the curve on the back and they also recognize that this is the most attractive point.

2. Human saliva can heal wounds

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Research by experts in the Netherlands found a compound in human saliva capable of healing fast wounds, called histatin, which is actually a tiny protein capable of killing. bacteria that cause wound infection. However, you have to take saliva on healthy, healthy people to do this.

3. How to hold your hand and tell you about the activity of two hemispheres

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This is a simple test of Japanese people to help you know how the brain works by holding hands - as well as very specific habits of each person.

The first thing is that you hold out your hands and knit them together in the way you still do. Watch which thumb on the hand will lie on.

If you have your right finger on your left finger, it means that the activity in your right hemisphere dominates; vice versa if the left finger is placed above that proves that the left hemisphere is more active.

Accordingly the right hemisphere will be responsible for emotions, intuition, dreams and imagination. And our left hemisphere is responsible for thinking and analyzing and remembering facts, names and dates.

However, there is also 1% of the population they put two thumbs in parallel. These people usually have balanced brains. Scientists have suggested that both their hemispheres are equally active and developed. Such people can quickly calculate and make decisions accurately.

4. Whale songs sound like jazz

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Researchers at the University of California, Merced have developed a special method to analyze and compare different sounds - from human voices to thunder sounds.

Accordingly, the results of research on whale languages, their songs (using regular sound descriptions emitted by some whales) - are similar in structure to jazz. And the sound of thunder is similar to the sound of some classical music.

5. Fish also have emotions

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Scientists have long argued about whether animals have emotions or not. Most recently, to answer this question, the group of Portuguese researchers has shown for the first time that fish also have emotional states in response to environmental stimuli.

Accordingly, the researchers discovered the emotional responses of fish through their behavioral or evasive behavior, by measuring cortisol, a stress-releasing hormone as well as assessing the brain region. activated and known to be related to negative or positive emotional states.

According to research leader Rui Oliveira, this is the first time scientists have demonstrated that fish can have biological and neurological reactions in the central nervous system before emotional stimuli.

6. Plants have feelings

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In addition to studying the emotions of Portuguese scientists, European scientists have also shown that plants have long-term memory. This adds to the basis of another study, which is that plants have advanced neurological functions, including the ability to sense fear and happiness, ability to communicate, and even Your ability to read your thoughts.

7. Explosion proof clothing

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Russian scientists have created a true superhero armor. When you wear it, you can walk through a minefield without any fear.

You won't believe it, the first person to test this armor is a petite girl. It looks like a Hollywood movie!

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