How to level up quickly in Empire, AoE to level up 2 and 3 at lightning speed

In the game of Empires, leveling up quickly is the key to victory. In particular, when you level up faster than your opponent, you will have the opportunity to build a stronger army and control the game better. This article will share the secret tips for leveling up quickly in Empires, helping you become a master in the AOE arena.

Upgrading early is always an advantage for all Age of Empires (AOE) players, but not everyone knows how to do it properly. Let's learn how to upgrade quickly in Age of Empires, AoE to quickly push age 2 and 3 right after this.

How to level up quickly in Empire, AoE to level up 2 and 3 at lightning speed Picture 1How to level up quickly in Empire, AoE to level up 2 and 3 at lightning speed Picture 1

Upgrade conditions 2 

Detailed instructions on how to level up quickly in Empire

To level up quickly in Empire, coordinating people to do tasks such as chopping wood, eating fruit, etc. must be done scientifically. Game experts often have their own ways of leveling up, but there is no fixed standard for this. Below is a basic leveling method that you can refer to:

1. Quick guide to level 2

- At the beginning of the game, press H+CCCCC on the keyboard to ask for villagers until all food is gone.

- Get 2 farmers close to each other and build a BE near the bright edge of the map (don't press on the tree, far from the main house to build the field later)

- Let the remaining farmers go explore the ore mine (go in the opposite direction of the 2 farmers who are building the BE house)

- When you have about 70% of the BE, separate one villager to let it explore.

- When 4 people come out, each person goes in a different direction to find the ore mine, so group all the people into 1 team (using Ctrl+1) and then press F4 with F11 to see information about the population index.

- After seeing the ore mine, press the team key to direct all the villagers to close the ore mine BG in a reasonable way to move, collect and return items without wasting time. Usually, 2 villagers close the ore mine first and the remaining villagers arrange to make the ore, after finishing the BG, let the 2 villagers eat the ore.

- The fruit field is stable, send out the 7th villager to scout (bad fruit field, 7 villagers eat fruit)

-The 8th person cuts wood.

- The 9th person went to explore.,.

- The 10th citizen should pay BE: 2 people away should pay BE: 6th citizen (6/8), 10th (10/12), 14th (14/16),.

- Besides fruit eaters and explorers, everyone focuses on cutting wood to invest in the first BS. The first BS should be placed beautifully on a forest (Pine forest: 75 wood) somewhere, not necessarily near the wood and deer or elephant mines,.

- Give 5-6 villagers depending on your level to eat wood, if there are any extra villagers, give them to eat fruit or make elephants (when you get to the beach, you will have enough wood if you build a good BS).

- In generation 1, build all the food fields but still have excess wood, then build a few more buildings (will be beneficial later)

- Usually hit 25-28 villagers so usually eat 4 times to avoid errors (often errors if there is no widow)

- You guys try to divide the population reasonably, each camp divides 5-6 people to eat, then after reaching level 2 you will have enough troops to kick 3 right away or some other experts fight with over 30 people, it's slow but extremely strong.

- Note when forcing life:

+ Quickly find the fruit field, try to close the fruit box as beautifully as possible.

+ If you have to herd the deer before the 4th minute, then herd them. If not, prioritize chopping wood to make a BS.

+ Doctor closes really nicely, eats as much bone as possible

+ Close the canteen to all the food yards but still have excess wood, then build a few more BSs immediately.

+ In age 2, we gather people to get meat quickly and then click to upgrade while only needing enough wood so we let few people chop wood.

For example: you use Yamato to detect the bush very early, lead 2 elephants home, eat a deer farm near gold and a widow with 26+1 attack. If you divide the population and upgrade properly, you will be able to attack 3 houses and attack before minute 14. The chance of victory is within your reach.

After playing for a while, the skills have somewhat met the gameplay, the player will now need to reduce the time to level up to create certain advantages for himself, that is, shorten the time to level up quickly in the empire.

Many people think that the first thing to learn when starting to play empire is to learn how to level up quickly, which is completely wrong, because if you do not have the skills and do not grasp the shortcuts well, you cannot force your age early. Therefore, learning how to level up quickly in empire is only really necessary when you have completed the basic initial skills such as: grasping the shortcuts, determining what to do first, what to do next to be able to have the most real quantity, wood and as fast as possible.

If you don't have an empire, download and install the game Empire (or AOE )

Let's find out the factors that will help you level up quickly in the following empire.

Fast leveling factor in the first empire: Calmly build BE houses when starting the match

Most of the time when starting the game, players often ask for people and build BE houses without knowing what advantages and disadvantages the location will bring them. If you accidentally build BE in the right position to put the BG house, you will have to build BG house elsewhere, and this will make the distance for farmers to pick fruit farther -> You will be slowed down -> and this will make you unable to accurately force the age.

Fast leveling factor in the 2nd empire: Close BG to get fruit reasonably

This is also a very important factor in the first few minutes. If you place a BG in a good position so that the farmer can turn around and go to the BG house after finishing the fruit, your population collection will not be delayed. But if you place the BG 1 to 2 BE houses away from the fruit field, the distance for the farmer to store food will be further, and thus your population collection will be delayed, which is inevitable.

Fast level up factor in 3rd base: Chop down 75 wood near main house

Many people think that to age quickly in the empire, you just need to focus on doing real work. This is true but not necessarily accurate because if you want to age quickly, you need to combine many factors together.

Cutting down 75 wood trees not only helps you to harvest wood for a longer time but also helps your farmers not to have to move too many places to cut down 40 wood trees. Imagine if there were 2 75 wood trees near the main house, what would it be like compared to 2 40 wood trees near the main house.

Fast wood chopping means building the conditions early (like BS, BG and BE houses). In many cases, players have made enough food to level up, but not enough wood to build the condition houses.

Fast leveling factor in the 4th empire: Take advantage of farmers' scouts

The farmer you send out to scout the map for resources as well as the location of his house will determine your leveling. If the farmer goes out and fails to find a resource such as a widow, a herd of deer, or an elephant, then you will not be able to level up early that battle.

Therefore, you need to make the most of the farmer's shadow, carefully search all the shadows around your home area - because in those shadows, who knows, there might be a lonely elephant or an elephant couple.

Regarding the advantage of the peasant's scouting ball, the Macedonian army has a huge advantage in this, with a scouting ball 0.5 times wider than the peasant scouting balls of the remaining armies, finding resources will be faster as well as avoiding encountering lions that can be life-threatening. The Macedonian army is also a type of army that can be advanced early in the empire with this advantage.

Fast leveling factor in the 5th empire: Try to herd deer or elephants to the main house or close to the BS house to eat wood

To be able to force the age early, you need to have the items to lure back to your main house. A herd of 4 to 7 deer is always located close to your main house from 1 to 1.5 balls away from the main house (Very few matches do not have a herd of deer). When you find the main herd of deer, you should try to lure them close to the main house. If you find an elephant, you also need to lure them back for farmers to slaughter. Remember that farmers slaughter faster than harvesting fruit. Eating meat early will help you ask for more people and force your age from age 1 to age 2 early.

In addition, when herding deer, if you cannot herd them back to the main house, you should at least herd them close to the forest where you plan to build a BS to make wood. This BS will be duplicated for 2 tasks: making wood and slaughtering elephant deer -> This will help you save 120 wood to build another BS to eat elephant deer.

Fast leveling factor in the 6th empire: Use the probe or SH to find resources

Normally, each house will have 1 to 2 scouts in each match. If you are lucky, you will scout your SH. And then you will have 1/2 farmer to scout resources as well as find the opponent's house sooner.

Normally with the probe (SH), players often use the method of planting flags for the probe (See more in the article on how to play empire ). After finding enough resources to be able to force the generation early, the probe will be pushed to find the opponent's house.

Fast leveling factor in the 7th empire: Planting flags for scouts and scout carts

It can be said that in the process of upgrading, you need to do a lot of work at the same time and if your hands are not fast, or you do not have enough hands to control many tribes at the same time, then you should think about planting flags for the villagers to scout.

Placing flags for scouts brings you many advantages. First, placing flags will help scouts go to the points you have marked on the map, the rest of your job is to focus on making food and wood at the main house to force life. Second, placing flags will help farmers when encountering lions to automatically kill the lions, instead of controlling them manually, when the lions, your farmers will stand still and enjoy the bites of that lion.

However, you should also pay attention to this method because in case the farmer encounters 2 lions, he will also have to lie down, so you should pay attention to avoid this unfortunate incident.

Fast leveling factor in the 8th empire: If one scout is not enough, give 2 people.

In case you don't see your SH motorbike, and the farmer sent you to scout still hasn't found any more food, you should send another farmer to scout in the opposite direction of the first farmer. 2 scouts will increase the chance of finding food faster than 1. Discovering food early will make it easier for you to squeeze out more lives.

Fast leveling factor in the 9th empire: Let people scout in the direction of the crow's flight

Many of you think this is absurd, and that is your mistake. Searching by the crow's flight path will help you discover food with a much higher probability than searching without any direction. And according to many players, searching by the crow's flight path, you will find a field of fruit to hunt, in many cases it can also be a herd of deer.

This method can be used at any time, even when you start to explore or have to play the lottery because you can't find any resources. You can try it, I have tried it and many times it has been successful.

Fast leveling factor in empire 10: Don't forget to build BE houses

Building BE houses means that the farmers requested in the main house will be born. In case, the player forgets to build BE houses. The farmers requested in the main house will not be born, and this will delay you in asking for people -> making food will be slowed down -> and of course, your age pressing cannot be done early.

Normally, when your population index falls into the following cases: 8/10, 12/14 . 18/20 or 22/24 . then you need to build a BE house immediately, at this time you only need to let 1 farmer build a BE house to save manpower to exploit other resources. But if it falls into the case of 9/10 . or 23/24, at this time you need to let 2 farmers or even 3 farmers to build a BE house. Spending time on building a BE house not only slows you down to ask for people, but also slows down the implementation . this is a factor that cannot be mistaken during the competition.

Fast leveling factor in the 11th empire: Don't forget to ask for people in the main house

It sounds like a joke, but in fact, forgetting to ask for villagers in the main house still happens frequently to many players. Maybe because you are focused on herding deer or catching elephants, you forget to ask for villagers in the main house, and when you do ask, there are already more than 1 farmers to ask for.

According to players' experience, to not forget to ask for people in the main house, you should press the HC key continuously during the initial time of asking for people. The regular release of people will help you work and exploit wood faster.

Fast leveling factor in the 12th empire: Luck when playing the lottery

It seems to have nothing to do with playing empire, right? However, the language of "going to beat the lottery" was formed during the process of playing empire games by many gamers when encountering poor cards. When using scouts but cannot find resources, a group of scouts after exploiting the ore mine as well as the deer herd will be sent to scout the whole group on the map. If you are lucky, you will find a herd of deer, ore mine, a pair of elephants or even successfully scout 2 out of 3 of those resources. And then, you will win the lottery - a very good language in the empire game, right?

However, no gamer likes to try their luck this way, because once you have to play the lottery, you won't be able to force your life early.

Above is a summary of some basic factors in fast age advancement in the empire. In addition, there are some other factors in age acceleration such as balancing the amount of food, the amount of wood by reasonably arranging the population to make wood, food .

Next, we will delve into how to quickly level up some types of troops in the game empire.

1. Level up quickly in the Persian empire

Persian is a type of army that can kill deer and elephants quickly among all types of army. Therefore, upgrading early with Persian army is very easy for many gamers.

How to level up quickly in Empire, AoE to level up 2 and 3 at lightning speed Picture 2How to level up quickly in Empire, AoE to level up 2 and 3 at lightning speed Picture 2

When using Persian troops, you need to scout and find as many deer and elephants as possible. After finding deer and elephants, you focus on feeding them to the villagers to slaughter, and the number of animals will increase rapidly.

However, you should also pay attention to the number of people who make wood. Normally, when playing Persian, we often play with 23 or 24 people, there are cases of playing with 22 people but very few. And the time to activate the 3rd generation for Persian can be only at the beginning of 7 or the beginning of 8 if we encounter a very rich hand.

2. Level up quickly in the Shang empire

As we all know, Shang is a type of army that farmers are born with very cheap food (Only 35 food). Therefore, the amount of food to concentrate on will be very easy. Most of the masters when holding Shang army, if they do not fight many villagers, almost every battle will attack at 9 and even earlier at 8.

When playing as Shang, the player only needs to assign 4 farmers to harvest fruit in the first few minutes, the remaining farmers are assigned to chop wood and scout. Shang has an advantage over other armies in that, while other armies need 6 farmers to harvest fruit initially, Shang already has 1 scout and 1 woodcutter right from the first few minutes of the game.

With Shang, you will be able to build the condition houses sooner, the amount of food and wood will increase faster if you have found enough resources. All you need to do is balance the amount of farmers working on food and wood appropriately.

3. Level up quickly in the Palmyran empire

Palmyran is the most expensive army to recruit a peasant of all the troops with a real cost of up to 75 food. The first few minutes are the most difficult for this army. You will only have 5 initial peasant units to both produce and close BE.

However, Palmyran's advantage is its speed of movement and food production, meat is very fast. Just need a widow, a herd of 7 deer, 1 elephant, Palmyran can force generation 3 at the beginning of 9 is normal.

When playing Palmyran, due to the fast working speed of the farmers, players often force the age with 16 - 18 farmers, depending on the resources found.

Basically, to level up the empire quickly, not only do you need to understand the above rules, but you also need to spend time improving your gaming skills, and depending on each person's perspective, there will be players who are more proficient than those who have been playing the empire for longer but still cannot level up as quickly.

If you want to level up quickly, you can use the empire game code to get resources such as wood, food, gold. without having to let farmers work hard. However, Taimienphi recommends that you only use the empire command when playing with the machine, computer only. Using the empire command when playing online is cheating.

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