How to Get a Programming Job Without a Degree
The profession of a programmer is one of the highest-paid today. However, to become a great specialist, you need to improve and learn. You can reach the heights of programming in different ways.
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Some can understand everything on their own since there is much useful literature and free courses on the Internet. Others go to university and get a degree in information technology.
In this article, you will learn about what features and difficulties may await you when trying to get a job as a programmer without a computer science degree.
How to get computer programming jobs without a degree
To become a programmer, you should develop your skills every day. And the easiest way to do this is by entering a university or college, where the curriculum is built systematically, continuously monitored, and evaluated. In an educational institution, you have the opportunity to interact with other students, share experiences, and receive guidance from a mentor. But who said that to become a professional programmer, you must have a specialized diploma? Can you get a programming job without a degree? Yes, but you need to make an effort to compete with the other candidates that can offer an education degree.
What should you do?
Before moving on to self-study, first, decide for what purpose you need programming. There are three main types: application developer, web programmer, and systems programmer.
Application developer
An application developer designs and customizes the operation of software applications. The result of their work is digital tools. Programmers of this particular profile create games and services on tablets, laptops, and phones.
Web programmer
A web programmer creates social networks, online stores, services, distance learning systems, forums, etc.
Web developers are divided into three categories: frontend, backend, and multidisciplinary (that is, those that combine both specializations). The frontend is responsible for the outer side, that is, the "face" of the site (the part users see). The back-end developers are responsible for the server-side. They deal with the system's internal content, data storage technology, and its use.
System programmer
These are specialists engaged in the development and coding of various components of operating systems, device drivers, and software complexes. They connect all the parts into a single whole so that the system works as a single mechanism.
All types of programmers are traditionally divided into three levels of professionalism:
- Junior. Entry-level specialists. It assumes a minimum of knowledge, skills, and experience. Junior programmers solve common tasks: they develop user interfaces, individual code components. In addition, they are engaged in frontend website development and can also do graphic work.
- Middle. They are professionals in their field, people with impressive theoretical knowledge and significant practical experience. Usually, they are fluent in several programming languages and can easily handle databases. Programmers of this type know how to write code to accomplish a specific task. They also have backend development skills and know how to develop software for servers.
- Senior. They are programming gurus. Specialists of this level have the skills to solve non-standard problems in unconventional ways. They often work with the team to guide the process. Senior professionals have several related professions, such as debuggers and software architects.
Based on this distribution, choose the direction in IT that you really like.
To get a programming job without a degree, you should pay special attention to acquiring professional skills, gaining experience, and learning how to present yourself.
Start with courses
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Today, there are a vast number of online platforms for any taste offering programming courses. Among the most popular:
- Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming
- Python for Everybody
- Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals
- Google IT Automation with Python
- IBM Data Science
Completing courses does not take as much time as studying at a university. Besides, you decide what exactly you need to learn. There are paid and free courses available. After successfully completing the courses, you will receive a certificate. But not all platforms issue certificates, so this should be taken into account when choosing a course plan.
Study programming language
It is difficult to say which programming language should be learned first. But one thing is for sure, the more languages you master, the better. For example, an application developer should know C ++, Python, and Java. And the system programmer - Assembler, C ++, Python.
Job application documents and self-presentation
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Writing a resume and cover letter can be challenging. Many job seekers make a number of minor mistakes when filling out paperwork that can affect their employment outcome.
The resume reflects your skills, abilities, experience, education, and personal data. To get a programming job without a degree, you will need to pay attention to the "skills" field. These should include both hard and soft skills. Programming hard skills include proficiency with programming languages, mathematical and coding skills. Soft skills include communication skills, teamwork skills, self-motivation.
Not all companies require a cover letter. But writing it will significantly increase your chances of being noticed. To create a CL, you can use an online editor such as, where you can find the network engineer cover letter example and write your own. The cover letter has a freer form of narration. You can indicate why you are the best candidate for this position and what capabilities will be used during the work. Experience gained can also be demonstrated. But don't forget that the application letter should not be longer than one page.
Getting a programming job without a degree shouldn't make you feel insecure during the interview. Uncertainty will immediately lead to defeat. The lack of a diploma can be compensated for with work experience. If you don't have a lot of practical experience, don't rush to apply as a middle programmer. Start with a junior programmer or assistant position. You will have fewer responsibilities, but you can definitely handle them.
During the interview, answer questions clearly and confidently. Do not exaggerate your merits. Ideally, you should take a portfolio that proves your competence.
Also, check the list of programmer interview questions in advance. This will help you focus and prepare for difficult questions from the recruiter.
Also, don't forget your clothes matter as well. Find out the corporate policy and office dress code in advance. This will help you integrate into the team.
Read books
In books, you can find a lot of useful information that is not always highlighted in the course program. The authors often make notes and give examples that can help you better understand the subject under study. Here are some books that will be interesting to read for both beginners and professional programmers:
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin
- The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers by Robert C. Martin
- Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen
- The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson
- Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler
- The Art of Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth
Join programming communities
If you want to get started with your programming career as soon as possible, you should combine your efforts with other programmers. It is a great way to exchange experiences, and it is the fastest way to find out about open vacancies. In this way, your new friend can act as an intermediary between you and the company.
The best way to gain experience is to work as a freelancer. Fulfilling orders of varying complexity, you hone your skills, apply knowledge in practice, and create a professional portfolio.
With a portfolio of successful projects, you will be a more valuable employee than just a university graduate with degrees in IT.
A portfolio can be of different types: a blog, social networks, a specialized site where all your projects and customer reviews are collected.
Final Words
If you are a beginner programmer, getting entry-level programming jobs without a degree will be more difficult than for certified specialists. But the diploma does not play a decisive role. The main thing is your experience, passion for tech and coding, and the ability to use the acquired skills.
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