This property holds a reference to the Express application that is using Middleware. 2 res.headersSent
Value true, false to indicate whether the application has sent the HTTP Header for Response. 3 res.locals
An object contains local variables of Response in the Request range.
Method res.append (field [, value])
res . append ( field [, value ])
This method appends a specific value to the HTTP Header of Response field. For example:
res . append ( 'Link' , [ ' ' , ' ' ]); res . append ( 'Set-Cookie' , 'foo=bar; Path=/; HttpOnly' ); res . append ( 'Warning' , 'Qua nhieu thong tin hon tap' );
Res.attachment ([filename]) method
res . attachment ([ filename ])
This method is used to send a File as an Attachment in the HTTP Response. For example:
res . attachment ( 'path/to/logo.png' );
Res.cookie method (name, value [, options])
res . cookie ( name , value [, options ])
This method is used to set the name of Cookie to value. The value parameter can be a string or an object converted to JSON. For example:
res . cookie ( 'name' , 'tobi' , { domain : '' , path : '/admin' , secure : true }); res . cookie ( 'cart' , { items : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] }); res . cookie ( 'cart' , { items : [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] }, { maxAge : 900000 });
Res.clearCookie method (name [, options])
res . clearCookie ( name [, options ])
This method is used to delete specific cookies specified by the name parameter. For example:
res . cookie ( 'name' , 'tobi' , { path : '/admin' }); res . clearCookie ( 'name' , { path : '/admin' });
Method (path [, filename] [, fn])
res . download ( path [, filename ] [, fn ])
This method is used to transfer the file in the given path as an Attachment. In general, the browser will prompt the user to download. For example:
res . download ( '/report-12345.pdf' ); res . download ( '/report-12345.pdf' , 'report.pdf' ); res . download ( '/report-12345.pdf' , 'report.pdf' , function ( err ){ });
Res.end ([data] [, encoding] method)
res . end ([ data ] [, encoding ])
This method is used to end the Response process. For example:
res . end (); res . status ( 404 ). end ();
Res.format (object) method
res . format ( object )
This method is used to execute the Accept HTTP Header section format on the Request object when performing. For example:
res . format ({ 'text/plain' : function (){ res . send ( 'hey' ); }, 'text/html' : function (){ res . send ( '
' ); }, 'application/json' : function (){ res . send ({ message : 'hey' }); }, 'default' : function () { // log phan Request va phan hoi voi code 406 res . status ( 406 ). send ( 'Not Acceptable' ); } });
Res.get method (field)
res . get ( field )
This method is used to return a certain field in the HTTP Response Header. For example:
res . get ( 'Content-Type' );
Res.json method ([body])
res . json ([ body ])
This method is used to send a response in JSON format. For example:
res . json ( null ) res . json ({ user : 'tobi' }) res . status ( 500 ). json ({ error : 'message' })
Res.jsonp method ([body])
res.jsonp ([body])
This method is used to send a response in JSON format with the help of JSONP. For example:
res.jsonp (null)
res.jsonp ({user: 'tobi'})
res.status (500) .jsonp ({error: 'message'})
Res.location method (path)
res.location (path)
This method is used to set the Location field of the HTTP Header based on the given path parameter. For example:
res.location ('/ foo / bar');
res.location ('foo / bar');
res.location ('');
Res.redirect method ([status,] path)
res.redirect ([status,] path)
This method is used to redirect to a URL from a specific path path, with a certain Status Code. For example:
res.redirect ('/ foo / bar');
res.redirect ('');
res.redirect (301, '');
Res.render (view [, locals] [, callback] methods)
res.render (view [, locals] [, callback])
This method is used to render a view and send the rendered HTML string to the Client. For example:
// Guess a view to client
res.render ('index');
// Access a screen to view
res.render ('user', {name: 'Tobi'}, function (err, html) {
// .
Method res.send ([body])
res.send ([body])
This method is used to send HTTP Response. For example:
res.send (new Buffer ('whoop'));
res.send ({some: 'json'});
res.send ('
some html ');
Res.sendFile method (path [, options] [, fn])
res.sendFile (path [, options] [, fn])
This method is used to transmit the file at the given path address. Set Content-Type based on the filename extension. For example:
res.sendFile (fileName, options, function (err) {
// .
Res.sendStatus method (statusCode)
res.sendStatus (statusCode)
This method is used to set the Status Code and send its string representation as a body of Response. For example:
res.sendStatus (200); // tuong duong phuong res.status (200) .send ('OK')
res.sendStatus (403); // tuong duong phuong res.status (403) .send ('Forbidden')
res.sendStatus (404); // tuong duong phuong res.status (404) .send ('Not Found')
res.sendStatus (500); // In the same way, res.status (500) .send ('Internal Server Error')
Res.set method (field [, value])
res.set (field [, value])
This method is used to set the field field of the HTTP Header to the value value. For example:
res.set ('Content-Type', 'text / plain');
res.set ({
'Content-Type': 'text / plain',
'Content-Length': '123',
'ETag': '12345'
Res.status (code)
res.status (code)
This method is used to set HTTP Status for Response. For example:
res.status (403) .end ();
res.status (400) .send ('Bad Request');
res.status (404) .sendFile ('/ absolute / path / to / 404.png');
Res.type (type) method
res.type (type)
This method is used to set the Content-Type of the HTTP Header to the MIME type type. For example:
res.type ('. html'); // => 'text / html'
res.type ('html'); // => 'text / html'
res.type ('json'); // => 'application / json'
res.type ('application / json'); // => 'application / json'
res.type ('png'); // => image / png:
According to Tutorialspoint
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