How is 1,000 ° C fire hose formed?

Fire cannons, also known as fire tornadoes, fire demons are usually 10-50m high, sometimes up to kilometers, a few meters wide and over 1,000 degrees Celsius. inside the water cannon and turn into a sustained fuel for the fire.

Fire cannons, also known as fire tornadoes , fire demons are usually 10-50m high, sometimes up to kilometers, a few meters wide and over 1,000 degrees Celsius. inside the water hose all turn into fuel for fire.

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Fire cannons don't stand still, but their movement speed is very slow. Large fire cannons have swirling winds of up to 160km / h and last for more than 20 minutes.

How is 1,000 ° C fire hose formed? Picture 1How is 1,000 ° C fire hose formed? Picture 1

It is almost impossible to extinguish a fire hose with direct measures. The only way to reduce the power and extinguish fire cannons is to eliminate the supply of oxygen for it.

Compared to water cannons, the firepower of fire cannons is far more terrible.

In 1923, within a mere 15 minutes, a fire cannon killed 38,000 Japanese in Tokyo.

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