Decode the secrets of the dragon faucet, scary natural phenomenon

For a long time, tornadoes or tornadoes were a terrifying natural phenomenon because of its tremendous destructive power. The places where the cannons passed have left heavy losses on property and people. So what is a dragon hose? How was the dragon hose formed?

For a long time, tornadoes or tornadoes were a terrifying natural phenomenon because of its tremendous destructive power. The places where the cannons passed have left heavy losses on property and people. So what is a dragon hose? How was the dragon hose formed?

  1. "Atomic cloud" - extremely rare and dangerous weather phenomenon
  2. Amazing records of the weather in human history

What is a tornado (water cannon)?

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Tires of tens of meters high in Khanh Hoa sea on 10/5.(Photo: Facebook MPN).

A tornado or tornado is a fiercely swirling gas column, drawn from the ground surface into the cumulus cloud, forming a funnel or swirling pattern dangling from a cloud that looks like a hose.

How did the dragon hose form?

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The process of forming a hose.(Photo:

Hot and humid air from the bay blew in cold, dry air forming clouds and thunderstorms. If the conditions were favorable, the sudden rise in air flow would turn around a central funnel with speed sometimes over 160km / hour. Dragon hoses are formed when this funnel-shaped cloud hits the ground.

Cannons can happen at any time when the air is hot and cold in conflict, even in the dark night but often concentrated in the afternoon.

In Vietnam, the phenomenon of water cannon rarely occurs, mainly concentrated in the South Sea more. We can see the water cannon a few times a year in the plains or midlands.

How long does a tornado last?

Tornadoes can last from a few seconds to over an hour, but most tornadoes have occurred in less than 10 minutes. Historically, there are many tornadoes that have "longevity" ever recorded. In 2013, a devastating tornado that lasted for more than 40 minutes happened in Oklahoma, killing many people.

The level of terrible destruction of tornadoes

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The level of a tornado is ranked from the F0-F5 scale according to the level of damage it causes.

F0: Whirlwind with weak intensity, wind speed of about 64 - 116km / h, causing only minor damage such as breaking tree branches and antenna.
F1: Cyclone with average intensity, wind speed of about 117 - 180km / h, can knock off the roof, break the street lamp column, turn the car.

F2: Vortex causes significant damage, with wind speeds of around 181 - 253k / h, can blow away rooftops, uproot big trees, flipping freight cars.

F3: Tornadoes with strong intensity and causing serious damage, wind speed 254-332km / h, can flip the roof, knock down walls, lift cars off the ground, make big trees uprooted.

F4: Whirlwind with wind speed of 333 - 418km / h has destructive power, can destroy houses with weak foundations and fly cars.

F5: Whirlwind with the wind speed of 419 - 512 km / h has unbelievable destructive power, can blow solid houses, lift and throw cars away hundreds of meters away, make ancient trees pass on the original.

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On April 3, 1974, the combination of 147 water hoses created a record two-day tornado, taking the lives of 308 people in 13 states of the United States.

On May 3, 1999, a firefight of level F5 took the lives of 40 people and destroyed thousands of houses, causing more than $ 1 billion in damage to the town of Moore.

What to do when a dragon occurs?

  1. Always pay attention to weather forecast information.
  2. If you are in an area where storms, floods and tornadoes are common, be prepared with necessary supplies such as flashlights, candles, clothes, first aid kit, batteries, dry food, instant noodles, clean water . .
  3. There should be a storm shelter available. If there is no shelter, immediately move to the basement, get into the closet, get under the table, . stay away from the window.
  4. If you are in the car, get off the bus and quickly find a firm shelter or a low, flat ground waiting for the storm, the cyclone to pass.
  5. After a tornado, buildings will be very weak and contain many dangers. So be careful when moving away from shelters, stay away from power lines, be careful about using matches and lighters .

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