How internet Troll works - There's no denying that the Internet is a great invention. It allows people around the world to communicate with each other at a real time. However, this connection may be a double-edged sword. It not only helps you communicate with friends or people you want to communicate with, but also meets those who disrupt conversations and other people's activities. Such guys are often called trolls.
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An Internet troll, or simply a troll in Internet slang, is the one who posts controversial messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the aim of trapping other users. touched or agitated and reacted. The broader definition of the concept of trolls is that people post messages with the main purpose of disrupting or breaking an Internet community.
Initially, a Web version of a troll implies a fishing technique. In fishing, the troll is to pull a fishing line behind a moving boat in order to attract the attention of a fish to bite them. Troll on the web is very similar - troll tries to find ways to attract the victim's attention in response to meaningless questions or a report. The goal of trolling the Web is to provoke the victims, making them fun.
This term first appeared and was popular on Usenet forums. Usenet is a classified computer network, called newsgroups. Each newsgroup includes a common theme. This network could be called a cousin of the World Wide Web, which took place over a decade. People can access Usenet's newsgroup to discuss topics and share information or files. The original Usenet troll was the one who tried to lure victims into wasting time in offtopic discussions or frustrating debates.
Today, the term troll has been broadly defined. A troll can be anyone who has the purpose of harassing communications or ruining the mood of others when they are online. This usually happens in online environments such as forums, message boards and chat rooms. In addition, there are smaller categories of trolls in other areas. You can find trolls everywhere, from comments on YouTube to online video games.
Not all trolls created are the same. While some trolls find joy in attacking others until they fall into crisis, others don't even realize that their behavior is destructive. Sometimes, people are simply rude and aggressive without the intention of behaving like a troll - especially if they disagree with the topic of some conversation. Even you can unintentionally become a troll. However, if you know the strategies that troll uses to cause trouble, you can avoid turning yourself into a troll. There are many ways for you to express yourself without leading to accusations that you are a disruptive troll.
Check out the different types of trolls you can face on the Internet.
What is Troll Internet?
Just like everyone who calls any malware is a computer virus, it's easy for people to call anyone who is disruptive, intentionally damaging online as a troll. The following is a list of some trolls.
Some trolls like to make someone angry, so much so that they can insult the troll. It is called flame baiting. If more people feel frustrated, the seminar will become flame war. At that time, the workshop will be replaced by an insult.
• This troll type starts from Usenet troll. Usenet troll uses a number of different strategies to prevent online seminars. A common trick is to send a message to several newsgroups. This will increase the probability that the troll will be 'bitten' by a victim. By sending offtopic announcements to different groups, the troll will have more opportunities to annoy people.
• Many trolls find joy in posting new members on forums or chat rooms, called newbies. They will ask non-clue questions until the conference collapses. These trolls often try to show themselves clean. Their goal is to encourage someone to start insulting them. Later, these bad guys turned to others and accused the person of being unfair while they still played the role of an innocent victim.
• Some trolls are not round, they go straight into insults. These trolls are easy to recognize with provocative words.
• Sneaky Troll will sometimes appear as people who really care about certain topics before posting a message that sabotages the discussion. This is very common in political forums - a person with opposite views can pretend that he sympathizes with other members of the community, and sends messages and topics criticize their views. For example, they might say, "I really like politicians X, but do you think she's really capable of domestic policy?" The goal of this troll is to open doubts in the community and expand it. Those who appear under a different face are often known as sock puppets.
• Colluding troll are those who work together to create chaos. A member troll can use classic troll tactics while others are disguised as normal members in the online community. Disguised trolls will protect the opinion of the sabotaging troll and assume that person really tries to contribute to the workshop. Another strategy is to push someone in the online community to conflict with others. Bad guys will do this by posting messages to a community that is a member of another community and vice versa. Their goal is to create an online war between two communities - their victims.
• Griefers is a specific type of troll. A Griefer is someone who likes to log into online games and ruin the experience of other players. There are many tactics that griefer uses: insults, team killings and fraud are the main methods. People who are griefer often pay more attention to annoying than playing games.
Troll really annoys and distracts us. That is their goal. However, you may be surprised to have communities that allow or even invite trolls to join. Try to find out!
Troll club online
Online communities often have a team of administrators or moderators that help keep the community safe and secure. These administrators usually forbid trolls from accessing if they show signs of or have committed malicious actions. The troll community rarely prohibits members. Some of these sites even welcome newly banned people in a certain community. Often, the head of a community declares that they cherish free speech rather than members or ban someone.
How do these communities work? In general, many of them have forums with jokes, pornography and discussion of troll actions. Trolls will have the opportunity to brag about their exploits, connecting to discussions with the flames of war that have been flared by them. Sometimes trolls will cause a disorder that will cause the entire community to stop working. Some trolls still compete with each other to see how long it takes before administrators ban them from a certain community. The winner can be the leader in a community for the longest time, but it can also be the one banned by the administrator in the shortest time.
Troll also uses forums to discuss pages they have just banned. Usually, they discuss little and accuse or insult directly to the forum that has just banned them before. They can also use that forum to organize an attack on other forums.
While some online communities are built and run by trolls, there are a few other forums that are in agreement with these troublemakers and not designed by the troll community. One of those sites is 4chan. 4chan page is actually an online notice board based on images. Today, the main theme of 4chan is Japanese culture and animation, along with a number of other items. When 4chan started, it was like a bulletin board, where everyone could post anything. This helped 4chan become popular - a Random channel.
Operation on Random channel is unpredictable. Many articles contain vulgar language, images with pornographic or violent content. Publishers are anonymous, meaning they are not responsible for internal content in this forum. There is no need to create a login or registration account at all - you can access the channel and post anything you want. As a result, troll-type vandalism appears on this channel.
Troll behaviors sometimes extend activity to the Internet. We will learn some famous debates in the world caused by trolls in the next section.
Some famous Internet Troll
The 4chan channel produced a series of growing groups called Anonymous. Anonymous's self-proclaimed goal is that they are bringing light from the scientific religious church. They assert that the Scientology has used manipulative and harmful tactics to attract new members and keep information about the organization private. Anonymous's activities have gone beyond the online world when there have been several protests in cities around the world. Although this is valid, many protesters wore masks or vividly painted their faces to avoid being identified.
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Some people in Anonymous use troll tricks to 'bait' teachers' essays. But overall, Anonymous members say they do not want to use such types of actions to achieve their goals. According to the religious religious science, Anonymous is a network of people who use tricks like terrorists.
Anonymous is actually just a troll victim because they have no leader. Troll has uploaded videos, articles under the name of Anonymous that are the right videos, this article does not belong to Anonymous. Some people claiming Anonymous may assume that people of the doctrine are holding some notices. The convictions from one organization will lead to convictions from another organization and the problem becomes difficult to control and it is difficult to find out who said.
Some trolls have used Craigslist, a popular online advertising service, to support criminal activities. In one case in Washington and another in Oregon, someone posted fake ads on Craigslist information about one's home and property. In both cases, this ad has reported that the owner of the house feels bored, wants to get rid of everything and people can get whatever they like. The truly grim result, the owner of the house came home to find their belongings "gone" with the ruined property.
Investigators arrested those involved in both cases. The incident in Washington seems to be due to hostility against the family when the landlord's granddaughter admits to having advertised (Source: TG Daily). For the Oregon case, police arrested Amber and Brandon Herbert when they suspected they had advertised. Later, Amber admitted she had posted a fake ad to cover up a previous burglary at the victim's own family (source: KGW News).
Another affair on Craigslist is Jason Fortuny, which posted a fake ad about an individual who has gone online. He posted the information that a woman was looking for a boyfriend. He obtained more than 100 replies and posted them on a blog along with photos, email addresses and other personal information. (Source: The New York Times).
Sometimes, troll is a hacker. Not all hackers share a single guise. Some have used their knowledge to detect code and programs to know how it works. They can then create an application based on how other applications work, or modify the code to create a program with some new features. Others search for code to destroy. They are hackers, network writers, or crackers, who not only destroy the system but also steal information and break code.
Help identify and deal with Internet Troll
The first step to facing trolls is to learn how to identify them. Some of the following can be a sign to help you identify them:
• Someone asks the same question and is different only from the word usage? Does anyone always ignore the suggestions or objections of other members in the community? If the community has frequently asked questions (FAQs), does this person often refuse to read them?
• Does someone always post provocative comments that are unfounded?
• Someone has a habit of posting messages and messages with insults and vulgar content?
• Someone answers other members in a negative, critical way?
• Someone posts messages off-topic? Is this person merely wanting to draw attention rather than discuss?
• Someone wants to recall discussions, old dialogues that have been controversial in the community? Some trolls often pull back old stories to cause disagreement in a group or organization.
• When faced with criticism, does this suspect only focus on changing tactics rather than answering the questions of other members?
If the answer to these questions is yes, then you are facing a troublemaker, a troll. If you are a member of the deliberate community, it is different because there are many times, even good members in the community can become a troll. But if there is a new member who always asks questions or acts like this, you are facing a real troll.
What can you do? If you're just a member of a community, it's best to avoid these trolls. The goal of the troll is to destroy and harass members in the community. By ignoring these trolls, you reject their victory. There is a much-used phrase in Usenet in the early days when the troll attacked: 'Don't feed the trolls'. Troll likes attention - taking away their goals will depress them and move to another community. '
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If you are an administrator of an online community, you will have more choices. One is that you can ban these people from the community. Sometimes it is their purpose as mentioned above. However, you should not care about it, focus on your community as well as the official members of the community.
If you think that the troll is not intentionally causing conflict in the community, you can choose another way. Praise them, thank them for participating in the forum. Ask this troll to participate in discussions and express opinions. If they still try to cause conflict, this is the opposite reaction they want. On the other hand, if a person does not knowingly become a troll, this person can become a good member of the community.
The important thing you need to remember is to keep calm and polite. If you lose your temper, the troll has won and you will be a clown in their joke. Some trolls don't leave you alone, they switch to other communities and brag about how they turn you into a farce. So, don't make them satisfied.
Reason to troll
Some people who disrupt others due to personal hatred, like cyberbullying - internet thugs. Trolls will harass victims in different online communities, use the victim's email address to register for email spam or even act as victims to discredit them. Among family-like enmities such as those in Washington, trolls can post information online, directly leading to some unpredictable consequences.
'I do it because I like': Some trolls say they harm people just by being excited. Maybe called lulz - a form of "laugh out loud" or LOL (laugh out loud).
Some other trolls want to recommend their own opinions by 'digging' an online community. The easiest example to find is on political forums. The troll will use various tricks to sabotage a discussion or discourage community members from supporting someone.
However, troublemakers like trolls often have no idea or hatred for anyone. For them, the goal is just to fight people and build a reputation for them as a troublemaker.
The New York Times Mattathias Schwartz interviewed some trolls. They gave a lot of reasons to troll but it was just to turn people into victims. Some say they want to teach people a lesson about how dangerous the online world is. In other words, they are good for the victim. In addition, there are some advocates for their actions by telling how old they lived in the past.
The very nature of the Internet can also be the cause. Internet facilitates people to hide. This means that users are less likely to be identified when they are online.
Sometimes, trolls turn their actions into fun. In Encyclopedia Dramatica, a popular wiki for trolls, there is an article saying that the American Psychiatric Association will include 'personality troll internet disorder' in the publication of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (definitions and names of medical conditions). This article was then listed on the diagnostic criteria list for disorder.
The nature of trolls made them difficult to control. When do they become lies? Do they believe they are order committee members or online guardian angels or do they just want to exploit others for their own benefit? How many adolescents or young people? It is impossible to know for sure whether people can guess or in general.
It is better to avoid quarreling with online troublemakers. This will save you time and won't disappoint you. even, it helps us to provoke these bad guys.
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