House of Ashes tips for beginners

House of Ashes tips for beginners, House of Ashes tips - an interactive drama and survival horror game that helps players make decisions

The Dark Pictures Anthology started back in 2019, and House of Ashes is the third installment in the series. The game begins in the ancient empire of Akkad before the timeline shifts to Iraq in 2003. This is a time when the United States is still searching for nuclear missile bases where they think Saddam Hussein is hiding.

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In House of Ashes, every decision the player makes can save or destroy characters. This horror game is based on the tension created by not knowing what is the best decision, as well as the mystery of everything around.

In this article, learn some House of Ashes tips to help players make the most informed decisions possible.

House of Ashes tips for beginners

Don't hesitate to choose Say nothing

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House of Ashes players feel like they're given 2 choices in most situations, but there are actually 3 choices. At some point, people see only 2 options and miss out on their precious third.

Sometimes doing nothing is a good choice. The decisions players make are the central theme of the game, so consider every possible angle before doing anything.

Set brightness higher than recommended

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Screen brightness is a personal setting, depending on personal preference and also the lighting in the area where people are playing House of Ashes. However, it's best to set the lighting a little higher than the game recommends.

House of Ashes is a horror game so no matter what you do, it's very dark. While increasing the screen brightness can make scary things visible, the first scenes of the game are all in particularly dark places so players won't be able to see what's going on if the brightness is too low. not set properly.

Accessibility settings

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Without going through the settings before starting the story, players may not realize there are accessibility settings to enable and make the gaming experience smoother. Accessibility settings are a great way to make the game more relevant to each person's playstyle.

As a horror game, it's no surprise that there are so many prompt buttons in House of Ashes. Some accessibility settings relate to the difficulty or trigger of these quick time events and reminders.

For example, regular quick-time events might require different buttons to be pressed at different times. Using accessibility settings helps them all have the same button.

Player cannot return

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In the game, make sure to explore the entire room before completing your next goal. In most cases, when continuing, the player will be pushed through the stories and will not have a chance to return to that room, so any undiscovered secrets or images will be inaccessible.

Sometimes, gamers will be faced with two or more paths and do not know which path will continue the story, which path is for discovery. The player can even be put into a cutscene after a certain amount of time.

In these cases, there may be nothing people can do, but take your time and do nothing blindly before having a chance to find the secret. Thankfully, the slow walking pace of the discovery sections will aid everyone in this endeavor.

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