Google allows running Windows applications on Chromebooks

Google's smart strategy to entice users and businesses to switch to using Chromebook, in the context of Windows XP about to be killed.

Google's smart strategy to entice users and businesses to switch to using Chromebook, in the context of Windows XP about to be killed.

Recently, Google has announced that it will partner with VMWare to help users of Chrome OS - the company's web-based operating system - be able to access Windows applications. More specifically, if you own a Chromebook, you can use VMware Horizon DaaS (Desktop as a Service) tool to manage desktops, data, and Windows applications, thanks to HTML5 Blast technology. VMWare.

Google allows running Windows applications on Chromebooks Picture 1Google allows running Windows applications on Chromebooks Picture 1

VMware Horizon DaaS is a fairly well-known tool of VMWare, and it is not exclusively for Chrome OS. It is a tool that helps users manage the desktop environment as a cloud service. The agreement between VMWare and Google today means that Chromebook users can also use VMWare's technology. Goolge Chrome OS currently has a strong development. According to NPD research firm, by the end of November 2013, Chromebooks accounted for 21% of the computers bought by US businesses and organizations.

Google shows that they are very smart when working with VMWare at this time. Many businesses are currently looking for a new platform to upgrade when Windows XP is about to die (less than 2 months). By allowing Chrome OS users to be able to use Windows applications through VMWare's virtualization technology, Google wants to send a message that businesses can switch to their choice of Chrome OS, which is cheap. but still able to use traditional applications. The DaaS environment helps ensure application compatibility, as well as helping businesses avoid security risks.

Google said that VMware Horizon View version 5.3 running on Chromebooks will be an on-premise service (on-site installation). This technology will soon be available as an application that allows installation from Chrome Web Store to facilitate users. Unfortunately, the release time on the Chrome Web Store is not yet announced.

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