Giant 8 kg mushroom found in China

A giant 8-kilogram and 1.8-meter giant mushroom was found in Yunnan province in southwest China.

A giant 8-kilogram and 1.8-meter giant mushroom was found in Yunnan province in southwest China.

This giant mushroom has been found in Pu'er Sun-River National Park in Pu'er city with half of the mushrooms covered with leaves.

A park staff member said: "Half of them were covered with leaves, the other half found exposed in the air.

Giant 8 kg mushroom found in China Picture 1Giant 8 kg mushroom found in China Picture 1

" Mushrooms have different layers and appear brown, it has many strange wrinkles," the official said.

This is the largest fungus ever discovered in the area. Researchers believe that this mushroom is completely inedible.

"I've lived here for over 40 years, but I've never seen anything like that before!" - A local resident said.

The park is located in the transitional area of ​​the tropics and subtropics, and it boasts many exotic, rare wildlife and plants found, state-owned Xinhua news agency. good.

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