Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs

If you think that belly bending is the only way to have a strong and masculine 6-pack abs, you're wrong!

Most of us would like to have a charming 6-pack abs, especially men who want this more than ever. 6-pack abdominal muscles give them more confidence and yeast to the opposite person. Therefore, many people often choose exercises, movements that have a direct effect on the abdomen, such as a sit-up movement, which is the most commonly used movement in gyms to help us. supplement and develop abdominal muscles.

But in fact, this movement is considered not to bring high efficiency for those who desire to own 6-pack abdominal muscles. According to a 2011 review, Strenghth and Conditioning magazine compiled data from all sit-up studies, suggesting that this exercise improves flexibility and muscle strength.

Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 1Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 1

Moreover, the training process also causes the spine to bend and then stretch to help distribute nutrients to the spinal discs to be better, avoiding degenerative symptoms.

1. We are too mistaken about the effects of sit-ups

Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 2Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 2

Abdominal collapse does not help your stomach taper, but it makes your stomach expose. In fact, abdomen movement only works to increase the firmness and strength of abdominal muscles. We need to understand how is the 6-pack belly, want to have 6-abdominal abdominal muscles also depends on the amount of body fat, before you want to "citrus", you have to burn fat in the abdomen.

This abdominal abdomen seems simple and is a basic move, but actually this abdomen movement is not easy. For those who already have a slender body and do not have too much fat in the abdomen, this belly bend is completely simple for them. On the contrary, people with a slightly chubby body, a fat-filled abdomen will have a hard time practicing this movement and it may cause spinal injuries. In short, for those who look over "don't see any muscle", they should temporarily ignore the more reasonable movement. When to reduce fat and then count on it.

2. Don't try to bend your abdomen, go to the Plank movement

- Plank

Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 3Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 3

According to Harvard Medical School's latest research: sit-up contrasts only focus on abdominal muscles, plank movements focus on core, vertical muscle groups. follow your spine.

So if you want your whole body muscle to be developed evenly, especially as a 6-pack abdominal muscles, then change your belly-bending action with a plank.

Plank is not too difficult exercise, simple posture, suitable for all subjects and different bodies can do this movement. In addition to helping you develop muscle, solid abdominal muscles, plank also supports stabilizing muscles around the spine, shoulders, hips while creating challenges for the chest muscles, triceps and front thigh muscles. In short, plank is a "golden" posture to develop muscles throughout the body.

- High plank

Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 4Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 4

Plank is also very suitable for people who have weak back muscles or who have retired for a long time. If you want to go back to practice to have a healthy and muscular stomach, start with a high-plank movement. With this movement, we do not need to lower our body to the ground, but we can leave our back high so that we will not get tired when we first start practicing again. When doing this movement we can keep the body from pushing for 10-15 seconds, then rest, then repeat the same action from 3-5 times. Performing regularly every day, when your body is getting used to the intensity of exercise, you can increase the anti-push time from 20-30 seconds each time.

- Rocket plank

Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 5Forget the boring belly movement, this is the movement to help you own 6-pack abs Picture 5

When our bodies are able to adapt to the high plank posture in 3 consecutive runs, increase the intensity of the body's exercise by low plank movement or some plank variation movements like rockets plank (this movement starts at the basic plank posture, then pushes the forearm, arms and heel forward, the head over the hand pulls the original position back).

As our bodies get used to the plank exercises, you will see that your body is much healthier, the muscles begin to become more firm and durable. At that time we will feel how the plank has a "magic" effect. Most importantly, whether or not citrus depends primarily on the amount of subcutaneous fat on your body.

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