7 types of anti-inflammatory foods and reduce belly fat effectively

Please refer to the 7 natural foods below to help you fight chronic inflammation and reduce belly fat effectively.

If you want to have good health, it is important to choose foods for meals. Choosing healthy, smart foods will help your body be healthier and also help you maintain a good shape.

Refer to the 7 foods below, which not only have anti-inflammatory effects but also help reduce belly fat effectively. Both of these effects support your health very well.

1. Vegetables and fruits

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All fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and fiber, so they work against chronic inflammation in the body, so regularly add fruits and Green vegetables in your daily diet menu. Moreover, some fresh foods are more powerful than others.

Excellent fruits and vegetables have excellent anti-inflammatory effects including apples, strawberries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple and vegetables (spinach ).

2. Green tea

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Green tea works very well in anti-inflammatory and shrinks your waist. In this light drink, contains flavonoids with natural anti-inflammatory properties and EGCG compounds have been shown to burn body fat, especially abdominal fat.

3. Unsaturated fat in single form

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Unsaturated polyunsaturated fats increase HDL levels of healthy cholesterol and have an overall anti-inflammatory effect. This source of fat contains olive oil, almonds and butter.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids

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Research has shown that a reasonable diet with high rates of omega-3 fatty acids and low rates of omega-6 fatty acids have been linked to the body's ability to fight inflammation. Omega-3-rich foods include walnuts, flaxseed and fish like Alaska salmon.

5. Spices

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Some spices like garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, chili have strong anti-inflammatory properties, so try adding them to regular meals.

6. Water

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Science has long proved that water is essential for each person's body. Water exhausts toxins that cause inflammation from the body. We should drink at least one liter of water and exercise 30 minutes a day.

7. Whole grains

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Whole grains are high in fiber and have a high content of B vitamins that help the body control insulin reactions and help control the risk of inflammation of the body's parts. In addition, whole grains not only help the body not store too much calories, but can also control hunger effectively, so they are good for people who are planning to lose weight or do not want to gain weight.

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